
An Ambilight application for macOS.

Primary LanguageObjective-CCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A simple Ambilight appliaction for macOS.

The application samples the edges of your screen and sends the LED pixel information over usb serial.

Color, and border can be adjusted. It automatically detects 16:9 movies and will therefore omit black bars (4:3 movies are not supported).

You can also control the Ambilight as an RGB light bulb over http requests, allowing you to add it to your SmartHome system e.g. using homebridge.

Light Controller

You can use any controller connected over USB serial. LED data is simply send with a preceding 0x73 and three 0xff at the end, to keep track of frames.

As an example, one can use an Arduino Uno and the following sketch.

#include "FastLED.h"

#define DATA_PIN    3
#define LED_TYPE    WS2813
#define NUM_LEDS    460

void setup() {
  // Fast serial speed
  // tell FastLED about the LED strip configuration
  FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE, DATA_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
  // Standard brightness 
  // Rainbow swirl at beginning
  for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) {

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) {
    char c = Serial.read();
    if (c == 's') {
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
        while (Serial.available() < 3) {}
        Serial.readBytes( (char*)(&leds[i]), 3);
      while (Serial.available() < 3) {}; // Read 3x 0xff
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Serial.read(); }

If you want to have support for the remaining features such as e.g. confetti pattern and direct brightness control, see Arduino sketch AmbilightReceiver.


  • store all settings s.t. they are not reset upon app restart.
  • make number of horizontal and vertical LEDs a setting.
  • maybe add support for skipping leds (if e.g. there are no at the bottom).
  • WiFi LED support for e.g. ESP8266 ambilight.