A python module to plot data encoded as audio streams inside a matroska containers.
Install latest ffmpeg
on your system
Required python packages installation:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The installation of pyav
module is a little tricky, as we require to build it from source.
Some of this may require sudo privileges.
git clone https://github.com/pscholl/PyAV.git
cd PyAV
git checkout origin/phil
python3 setup.py install
First get some infos about the test data
ffprobe test.mkv
Show help:
python3 plot.py -h
## usage: plot.py [-h] [-subs SUBTITLEPATHS [SUBTITLEPATHS ...]] [-s STREAMS] [-t TITLELIST] [-m MEASURES] [-p {samples,date,seconds}] [--power] [--matplotlib] [--smoothing SMOOTHING] [-a AGGREGATED] [--fromSample FROMSAMPLE] [--toSample TOSAMPLE] [--fromTime FROMTIME] [--toTime TOTIME] [--noSubs] [-v] filePaths [filePaths ...]
## positional arguments:
## filePaths Path to the the MKV file(s)
## optional arguments:
## -h, --help show this help message and exit
## Path(s) to srt subtitles
## -s STREAMS, --streams STREAMS
## Select specific streams to plot, default=-1 : all streams. e.g. : "0,1"
## Add a title to plot. Use multiple -t to add more titles. e.g -t "accelerometer" -t "gyroscope"
## -m MEASURES, --measures MEASURES
## Select the measures to plot. list e.g.: "acc_x,acc_y,acc_z"
## -p {samples,date,seconds}, --plot_type {samples,date,seconds}
## If it should be displayed with datetime on axis, seconds or samples
## --matplotlib If it should be displayed using matplotlib
## --smoothing SMOOTHING
## Smoothness parameter, default=No smooting applied
## -a AGGREGATED, --aggregated AGGREGATED
## Select aggregated stream. This stream will be plotted on top. Default, the first stream is used.
## --fromSample FROMSAMPLE
## Sample number to start from
## --toSample TOSAMPLE Sample number up to
## --fromTime FROMTIME Time to start from format "<year>.<month>.<day>_<hour>:<min>:<sec>.<ms>"
## --toTime TOTIME Time to plot up to, format "<year>.<month>.<day>_<hour>:<min>:<sec>.<ms>"
## --noSubs If subs should be plotted
## -v, --verbose Increase output verbosity
Plot the first three streams in the data using seconds on the xAxis
python3 plot.py test.mkv -s 0,1,2 -p seconds
Plot it using timestamps which are encoded in the metadata using matplotlib (takes significantly longer than pyqt)
python3 plot.py test.mkv -s 0,1,2 -p date --fromTime 2020.06.14_10:00:00.0 --toTime 2020.06.14_14:00:00.0 --matplotlib
Plot data with encoded subtiltes (srt/ass)
python3 plot.py test_sub.mkv -p seconds --matplotlib --toSample 30000