
Get homework and weekplans from Forældreintra using Selenium. Store the data in MySql

Primary LanguagePython


Gets data from Forældreintra using Selenium

Scrape and store data from Forældreintra in MySql Using Selenium til eliminate the problem of javascript not being enabled, or missing data from lazy loaded pages on Foraeldreintra Modules like httpx and requests wil not be able to get the data properly, even wtih async.

Selenium Customizables

  • Download newest Selenium drivers on the fly or use local copies
    • Default is to use local Selenium driver and browser, so you must download these and enter the paths in settings.py
    • Alternatively change the setting selenium.local in settings.py to False
  • Choose Firefox or Chrome
  • Pass parameters to Selenium

Data from Foraeldreintra

  • Get data from one or more children
    • Ugeplan
    • Lektiebog

Saving data

  • Implemented with MySQL
  • Setup script included

How to Setup

  • Review and change settings_example.py
  • RENAME settings_example.py to settings.py
  • Run db.setup()

Get and save data from Forældreintra to MySql database

  • Run update.py [db]

Optional: [db] is either "test" or "prod".
Not supplying argument will use "test".
Example: Python update.py prod
Change database properties in settings.py

Potential use

  • Build a family dashboard with homework and weekplan data
  • Send alerts by email or other communication platforms


Create a .bat file and schedule the bat file to update data on a regular basis
ex: cmd /k "cd /d c:\<path to your project>\.venv\Scripts & call .\activate.bat & cd /d c:\<path to the update file> & python update.py <db>"


This is a webscraper. If at any point in time Forældre intra changes it's HTML, the code will have to be changed to reflect the new structure.


-- voelv@proton.me