Sections in this file describe: - How to build - Example applications - How to test - Features How to build on different platforms ==================================== Pre-requisite: - Weston - CMake required (version 2.6 or higher) - Open GLES and EGL for example applications - Gtest for the test suite Build up 1. Pull the current codebase form the git repo E.g. git clone 2. Create a build directory E.g mkdir build_ivi_extension 3. In <build-dir> Generate build system for your platform using CMake. E.g. cd <build-dir> cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<your setting *.cmake> ../ 4. Start the build and install E.g. sudo make install Example applications ==================================== Pre-requisite: - Modify weston.ini to use Example: [core] [ivi-shell] - Set Environmental values Example: export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/var/run/<your user name>/1000 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<your installation path>/lib Start-up Weston: Example: <your installation path>/bin/weston Start-up HMI helper: Example: <your installation path>/bin/layer-add-surfaces 1000 1 EGLWLMockNavigation: Example: <your installation path>/bin/EGLWLMockNavigation How to test ==================================== 1. Build the testsuite by setting BUILD_ILM_API_TESTS option. Example: cmake -DBUILD_ILM_API_TESTS 2. After starting up Weston run the testsuite. Example: <your installation path>/bin/ivi-layermanagement-api-test <your installation path>/bin/ivi-input-api-test Features ==================================== ivi_share protocol: ivi-controller provides ivi_share protocol to share native buffer of other clients. A application which shared native buffer can create texture from it using EGL extension API (eglCreateImageKHR) and GL extension API (glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES). And the texture can manipulate in your rendering scene. Example: <your installtion path>/bin/simple-ivi-share To build this feature, add the following line into toolchain file. option (IVI_SHARE "Enable ivi_share protocol" ON)
Extensions to the Wayland protocol for InVehicle Infotainment