
make model input data from geological map

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

map2loop Package

A package to extract information from geological maps to feed 3D modelling packages

This is very much a proof of concept code that is unlikely to work first time with anything but the example dataset provided, but if you would like to try it with your own data please feel free to contact me at mark.jessell@uwa.edu.au to discuss your plans.

Fastest install path (thanks to Yohan de Rose) is via docker, go to development version at:


Try the 1. All in one - All engines - new_interpolation_test.ipynb notebook.

A recent workshop as part of the Loop/MinEx CRC collaborations provides a tutorial for map2loop and dh2loop codes. It refers to a Virtual Machine but all the codes and data can installed as above. The tutorial notes are available here: HERE but are now out of sync with the latest notebooks

What it does:

  • Combines information extracted from vector geology maps in various forms to supoprt 3D geological modelling. Outputs are simple csv files that should be readable by any 3D modelling system (I think).

Inputs: (example data supplied)

  • Geology as Polygons
  • Fault and fold axial trace as PolyLines
  • Structure measurements (bed dips)
  • Graphs are created in-code from Vitaliy's map2model cpp code as Points
  • See below for more details

map2loop outputs:

Example outputs

map2loop outputs:

content filename created by example notebook
Various stratigraphic topology graphs */graph/*.gml map2model cpp code in Notebook 1 1
Group-level stratigraphic relationships */tmp/groups.csv m2l_topology. save_group 1
Formation-level stratigraphic relationships */tmp/*_groups.csv m2l_topology. save_units 1
Summary strat relationships */tmp/all_sorts.csv or all_sorts_clean.csv m2l_topology. save_units 1
Fault-fault relationship table */output/fault-fault-relationships.csv m2l_topology. parse_fault_relationships 1
Fault-fault relationship graph */output/fault_network.gml m2l_topology. parse_fault_relationships 1
Fault-unit relationship table */output/unit-fault-relationships.csv m2l_topology. parse_fault_relationships 1
Fault-group relationship table */output/group-fault-relationships.csv m2l_topology. parse_fault_relationships 1
Digital Terrain Model:
content filename created by example notebook
dtm in lat long wgs83 */dtm/dtm.tif m2l_utils.get_dtm 1
georeferenced dtm */dtm/dtm_rp.tif m2l_utils.reproject_dtm 1
content filename created by example notebook
Contact info with z and formation */output/contacts4.csv or contacts_clean.csv m2l_geometry. save_basal_contacts 1
Contact info with tangent info */tmp/raw_contacts.csv m2l_interppolation. save_contact_vectors 1
Fault trace with z */output/faults.csv m2l_geometry. save_faults 1
Basal contacts shapefile */tmp/basal_contacts.shp m2l_geometry. save_basal_no_faults 1
Clipped geology map shapefile */tmp/geol_clip.shp Notebook 1 1
Clipped fault & fold axial traces shapefile */tmp/faults_clip.shp Notebook 1 1
Pluton contacts with z and formation */output/ign_contacts.csv m2l_geometry. process_plutons 1
Local formation thickness estimates */output/formation_thicknesses_norm.csv and formation_summary_thickness.csv m2l_geometry. calc_thickness and normalise_thickness 2
Fault dimensions */output/fault_dimensions.csv m2l_geometry. save_faults 1
Fault displacements */output/fault_displacement3.csv m2l_interppolation. process_fault_throw_and_near_faults_from_grid 1
Fault strat & thickness-based displacements */output/fault_strat_offset3.csv m2l_geometry. fault_strat_offset 1
Near-Fault strat contacts */output/fault_tip_contacts*.csv m2l_interppolation. process_fault_throw_and_near_faults_from_grid 1
content filename created by example notebook
Bed dip dd data with z and formation */output/orientations.csv or orientations_clean.csv m2l_geometry. save_orientations 1
Bed dip dd data with calculated polarity */output/orientations_polarity.csv m2l_geometry. save_orientations_with_polarity 1c
Extra orientations for empty series */output/empty_series_orientations.csv m2l_geometry. create_orientations 1
Fault orientation with z */output/fault_orientations.csv m2l_geometry. save_faults 1
Clipped orientations shapefile */tmp/structure_clip.shp Notebook 1 1
Interpolated dip dip direction grid */tmp/interpolated_orientations.csv m2l_interpolation. interpolate_orientations_grid 1
Interpolated contact vector grid */tmp/interpolated_contacts.csv m2l_interpolation. interpolate_contacts_grid 1
Combined interpolation grid */tmp/interpolated_combined.csv m2l_interpolation. interpolation_grids 1
Pluton contact orientations */output/ign_orientations_*.csv m2l_geometry. process_plutons 1
Near-Fold Axial Trace strat orientations */output/fold_axial_trace_orientations2.csv m2l_geometry. save_fold_axial_traces_orientations 5
Estimated contact orientations */output/contact_orientations.csv m2l_geometry. save_basal_contacts_orientations_csv 1
content filename created by example notebook
Gempy Notebook creates 3D model itself m2l_export. loop2gempy 1a
Basic vtk model thanks to gempy */vtk/*.vtp gempy 1
Geomodeller m2l.taskfile m2l_export. loop2geomodeller 1b
LoopStructural Notebook creates 3D model itself m2l_export. loop2LoopStructural 1c

Does not deal with sills yet.

Standalone map2model cpp code from Vitaliy provides fault/fault and fault/strat relationships


The best path to isntallation is via a docker. To do this visit the development version at https://github.com/Loop3D/map2loop-2 and follow the instructions.


rasterio matplotlib networkx numpy pandas geopandas os urllib sys math shapely gempy

Simplified calculation schemes

1) Topology
a. Stratigraphic relationships

i. Adjacency relationships between neighbouring geological polygons based on formation and group
ii. Directed graph based on these relationships and relative age of formations and groups
iii. Edges attributed by type of contact (intrusive, stratigraphic, fault)

b. Fault relationships

i. Relative ages of faults longer than a specified length estimated from truncation relationships
ii. Directed graph based on these relationships
iii. Cyclic relationships removed (A truncates B; B truncates C; C truncates A)

c. Fault-stratigraphy relationships

i. Adjacency matrices of relative ages of faults longer than a specified length and formations and groups based on truncation relationships

2) Position Data
a. DTM

i. DTM downloaded for defined bounding box from SRTM server
ii. Re-projected to local EPSG-defined projection system

b. Basal contacts

i. Formation based on stratigraphic relationship (assigned to younger formation)
ii. X,Y from contact nodes with optional decimation
iii. Z from DTM
iv. Nodes that are defined by faults are removed

c. Igneous contacts

i. Formation based on intrusive unit
ii. X,Y from contact nodes with optional decimation
iii. Z from DTM
iv. Nodes that are defined by faults are removed

d. Faults

i. Fault name based on id of fault
ii. Optional removal of faults below a certain fault-tip to fault-tip distance
iii. X,Y from fault nodes with optional decimation
iv. Z from DTM

e. Fold axial traces

i. Fold axial trace name based on id of fold axial trace
ii. X,Y from fold axial trace nodes with optional decimation
iii. Z from DTM

f. Local formation thickness

i. X,Y from basal contact nodes
ii. Z from DTM
iii. Thickness from distance from normal to local contact orientation to stratigraphically next upper contact polyline in the taking into account the local orientation of bedding estimated from the interpolation of basal contacts and primary orientation data
iv. Normalised formation thickness calculated for each node based on division by median of thicknesses for each formation

g. Local fault displacement

i. X,Y from fault contact nodes
ii. Z from DTM
iii. Displacement calculated by finding distance between equivalent stratigraphic contacts either side of the fault

3) Gradient data
a. Primary dip/dip direction

i. Orientations of bedding, but filter out dip = 0
ii. X,Y from primary data with optional decimation
iii. Add Z from DTM
iv. Add geology polygon formation info

b. Fault orientations

i. Normal to fault tips for azimuth
ii. X,Y from midpoint between fault tips
iii. Dip as user-defined conceptual constraint

c. Near-Fold Axial Trace orientations

i. X,Y step out normal to fat from local nodes of fold axial trace polyline with optional decimation
ii. Add Z from DTM
iii. Dip direction from local normal to fat and sign of fold axis
iv. Dip arbitrarily set by user

d. Near-fault orientations

i. X,Y step out normal to fault from local nodes of fault polyline with optional decimation
ii. Add Z from DTM
iii. Dip and dip direction from interpolation of basal contacts and primary orientation data
iv. Add geology polygon formation info

e. Empty series orientations
f. Igneous contacts

i. X,Y from local nodes of igneous contact polyline with optional decimation
ii. Add Z from DTM
iii. Dip and polarity arbitrarily defined by user
iv. Dip direction from local normal to igneous contact interpolation of basal contacts
v. Add geology polygon formation info


Minimum map2loop inputs:

  1. EPSG coordinate reference system for input data (metre-based projection like UTM)

  2. Max/min coordinates of area of interest

  3. Geology polygons:
    -a. All polygons are watertight
    -b. Polygons stop on faults
    -c. Polygons have as attributes:
    -i. Object ID
    -ii. Stratigraphic code
    -iii. Stratigraphic group
    -iv. One of more fields that describe if sill, if igneous, if volcanic
    -v. Min_age field
    -vi. Max_age field (can be same as Min_age field, and can be simple numerical ordering (bigger number is older))

  4. Fault/Fold Axial Trace Polylines:
    -a. Faults terminate on other faults but do not cross
    -b. Faults/Folds have as attributes:
    -i. Object ID
    -ii. Field that determines if polyline is fault or fold axial trace
    -iii. Field that determine type of fold axial trace e.g. syncline or anticline)

  5. Bedding orientations:
    -a. Assumes dip/dip direction data
    -b. Orientations have as attributes:
    -i. Dip
    -ii. Dip Direction