
Sean's Dialog Icons


Sean's Dialog Icons

Version 1.0

This image collection contains a handful of images that I've needed for a long time when making dialog boxes and other UI components. I've been disappointed at the lack of high-quality, free, legally-unencumbered dialog images for a long time, so finally I broke down and drew my own.

The current version of this collection contains only four images, but they are each available in many different forms. Each is transparent, with an alpha channel that has correctly-paired RGB values so as to avoid "color ghosting" if you resample them. Each image is also available in every power-of-two and power-of-two-times-three size from 16 to 256 pixels square, so they are included at 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384, and 512-pixel sizes, respectively.

The four images available in the current version are:

  • image Error - white X on a red circle
  • image Warning - black ! on a yellow triangle
  • image Question - A white ? on a blue circle
  • image Success - A green checkmark on a white circle

These images are in the PUBLIC DOMAIN (see LICENSE.txt), which means you can do anything you want with them, as long as you leave me out of it.

The latest version of this image collection may be downloaded for free from my GitHub account, at https://github.com/seanofw/icons . (So if you paid money for these, you were ripped off!)

I drew these and am giving them away freely because I've been disappointed at the lack of good-quality, free, legally-unencumbered UI images out there in the wild. If you like them and find a use for them, please feel free to drop me a line at and let me know what you used them for. If you think additional images ought to be added, or something needs to be changed, feel free to suggest your revisions or additions in the official repository at https://github.com/seanofw/icons/issues .

-- Sean Werkema