
Use an Arduino + arduino-cc1101-library compatible radio to do AX.25 communication from a linux system via the kiss layer. Fork from https://github.com/flok99/arduino-kiss

Primary LanguageC++

This software lets you use an arduino as an interface between a Linux system and some radio. In the example code (arduino-kiss.ino) I use the arduino-cc1101-libray to use a CC1101 radio to transmit AX.25 over. (https://github.com/veonik/arduino-cc1101)

Required steps: add a line to /etc/ax25/axports:

ax0 CALLSGN 9600 64 1 AX.25 over CC1101

ax0 is the interface name, CALLSGN is an AX.25 call-sign, 9600 is the speed to use when talking to the arduino and 64 is the maximum packet size that the radio can handle.

Then invoke: kissattach /dev/ttyUSB0 ax0

This will connect /dev/ttyUSB0 (the serial device to which the Arduino is connected) to the network interface called ax0 (see axports). In Debian the kissattach software can be found in the ax25-tools package.

cudos to: -- Daniel Berenguer contact@panstamp.com -- Folkert van Heusden folkert@vanheusden.com -- Tyler Sommer contact@tylersommer.pro

port to cc1101 by: vogt31337