
Deployment Scripts used for CloudStack

Primary LanguagePython

#Cloud AutoDeploy

Scripts here are used to refresh the builds of the management server with those made out of our CI system. The CI system is internal at the moment.


build.cfg - contains build information given to the CI system - branch, BUILDABLE_TARGET - distro of mgmt server tarball

You may leave the rest as they are defaults and should work fine.

environment.cfg - typically the VM where you intended to install above build of mgmt server. SSH access to be available and credentials are in the config file.

deployment.cfg - the JSON network model configuration file generated by Marvin so the mgmt server can be configured. See the Marvin tutorial on how to fetch these.

other options - skip-host - will skip IPMI/PXE refresh of the hosts - install-marvin - will pull the latest marvin tarball from the CI system and install it

Once you have the available configuration setup in the above .cfg files simply run the following.

1a. reset the environment with the new build

$ python configure.py -b build.cfg -e environment.cfg -d deployment.cfg [[--skip-host] --install-marvin]


b. reset the environment with specific build number

$ python configure.py -n <build-number> -e environment.cfg -d deployment.cfg [[--skip-host] --install-marvin]

2. restart mgmt server to have the integration port (8096) open

$ python restartMgmt.py -e environment.cfg

3. setup cloudstack with your deployment configuration

$ nosetests -v --with-marvin --marvin-config=deployment.cfg --result-log=result.log -w /tmp

4. restart again for global settings to be applied

$ python restartMgmt.py -e environment.cfg

5. wait for templates and system VMs to be ready

$ nosetests -v --with-marvin --marvin-config=deployment.cfg --result-log=result.log testSetupSuccess.py