
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


cypress-reporter-pm2 is a cypress plugin for creating metrics after cypress tests execution.


# npm
npm install @voicenter-team/cypress-reporter-pm2 --save-dev

# yarn
yarn add @voicenter-team/cypress-reporter-pm2 --dev


Import cypress-reporter-pm2 into cypress/plugins/index.js

// cypress/plugins/index.js

const cypressReporterPm2 = require('@voicenter-team/cypress-reporter-pm2');

module.exports = (on, config) => {
    config.testFiles = [...JSON.parse(process.env.SPEC_TO_RUN)]

    return config

Create pm2 config file in the project root directory:

// test.config.js

module.exports = {
    apps: [{
        name: 'cypress-basic-test',
        script: './node_modules/@vue/cli-service/bin/vue-cli-service.js',
        watch: false,
        args: `test:e2e --url=${process.env.VUE_APP_URL} --headless`,
        cwd: './',
        restart_delay: 180000,
        env: {
            SPEC_TO_RUN: '["page.exist.spec.js", "check.name.spec.js"]'

env.SPEC_TO_RUN should include stringified array of tests which should be executed.

Set VUE_APP_URL to .env or use hardcoded string instead.

Use restart_delay to set the interval time between tests execution (in milliseconds).


pm2 start test.config.js


  • on - cypress event emitter

  • namespace [string] - namespace for current application to differ it's metrics from other applications

  • options [object] - configuration for plugin.

    • namePrefix [string] - prefix for customizing metric key
    • nameSuffix [string] - suffix for customizing metric key
    • metricNameBuilder [function] - custom function for building metric key.
      @param {string} spec [spec name]
      @param {object} test [test data]
      @param {string} namespace [namespace]
      @return {string}
    • testNameParser [function] - custom function for parsing test name.
      @param {string} spec [spec name]
      @param {object} test [test data]
      @return {string}