
A proton sized python framework for building backend web applications, from void. [PIP PACKAGE]

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

PROTON : A proton sized web framework

Proton is an Express inspired proton sized web framework for building backend web applications from void. Currently, it has features of adding routes, controllers and sending API responses (Refer the example blog app for reference). Defining models with custom field types is also available but is under development.

Status : Under developement

To run example app

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

$ python3 main.py run:<appname>


Step 1: Install proton and create folder structure

$ pip3 install proton-py

$ touch models.py
$ touch controllers.py
$ touch routes.py
$ touch main.py

Step 2: Define your models

# models.py
from proton.db import model

class User(model.Model):
    username = model.StringType('username', max_length=50, min_length=4, unique=True, required=True)
    # define your model here

Step 2: Define your controllers

# controllers.py
from proton.handler import Response

def index(req):
    # define your controller here
    return Response(status=200, data={"msg": "message"})

Step 3: create a router and assign controllers with routes

# routes.py
from proton.handler import Router
from .controllers import index

router = Router()
router.get("/", index)

Step 4: create proton app and assemble your router and models

# main.py
from proton import Proton, run
from .routes import router
from .models import User

api = Proton()

api.set_router('/api', router)


Step 5: Boot your models to db and run the server

$ python3 main.py run:db
$ python3 main.py run:api

Refer the example blog app for folder structure. Working on a better documentation