
A simple WebApp that utilize Browser's font rendering capabilities and custom font created from calligraphr to create realistic enough, printable RTF document.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple WebApp that will utilize Browser's font rendering capabilities and custom font created from calligraphr to create realistic enough, printable RTF document.


Link To Youtube Video


  1. able to randomly select fonts from fonts pool (of mine right now)
  2. Text flying factor. According to value, Text's position will be shifted to top by very small factor then shifted down to normal position.
  3. ability to add bad indentation for more credibility
  4. markdown like language for addition of differentiate between X and Y, empty box for creating figures etc.
  5. Randomly strikes text
  6. creates printable text.
###[image 10 20]###  creates image placeholder of size 10cm*20cm
###[strike this is test### creates strike through text

generated Output

To add Features

  1. font selection and addition
  2. Directly to pdf converter
  3. artifacts generator. which makes it more credible