Code for "A BERT-based Distractor Generation Scheme with Multi-tasking and Negative Answer Training Strategies."

Primary LanguagePython

BDG(Distractor Generation)

Code for "A BERT-based Distractor Generation Scheme with Multi-tasking and Negative Answer Training Strategies."


Updated result using BART. BART model is uploaded in HuggingFace model hub.

BERT DG 35.30 20.65 13.66 9.53 31.11
BERT DG pm 39.81 24.81 17.66 13.56 34.01
BERT DG an+pm 39.52 24.29 17.28 13.28 33.40
BART DG 40.76 26.40 19.14 14.65 35.53
BART DG pm 41.85 27.45 20.47 16.33 37.15
BART DG an+pm 40.26 25.86 18.85 14.65 35.64
  • higher is better
model Count BLEU1 > 0.95
BERT DG pm 57
BERT DG an+pm 43
BART DG pm 60
BART DG an+pm 23
Gold 12
  • lower is better

Trained Model and Code Example


Distractor: https://huggingface.co/voidful/bart-distractor-generation
Distractor PM: https://huggingface.co/voidful/bart-distractor-generation-pm
Distractor AN+PM: https://huggingface.co/voidful/bart-distractor-generation-both


Trained model available on release:

Colab notebook for using pre trained model:


If you make use of the code in this repository, please cite the following papers:

title = "A {BERT}-based Distractor Generation Scheme with Multi-tasking and Negative Answer Training Strategies.",
author = "Chung, Ho-Lam  and
  Chan, Ying-Hong  and
  Fan, Yao-Chung",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Findings",
month = nov,
year = "2020",
address = "Online",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.findings-emnlp.393",
pages = "4390--4400",
abstract = "In this paper, we investigate the following two limitations for the existing distractor generation (DG) methods. First, the quality of the existing DG methods are still far from practical use. There are still room for DG quality improvement. Second, the existing DG designs are mainly for single distractor generation. However, for practical MCQ preparation, multiple distractors are desired. Aiming at these goals, in this paper, we present a new distractor generation scheme with multi-tasking and negative answer training strategies for effectively generating \textit{multiple} distractors. The experimental results show that (1) our model advances the state-of-the-art result from 28.65 to 39.81 (BLEU 1 score) and (2) the generated multiple distractors are diverse and shows strong distracting power for multiple choice question.",

Environment Setup

pip install -r requirement.txt

Data Preprocessing

Inside data_preprocessing folder.
Download dataset here, put it into distractor folder.
run convert_data.py to do preprocessing.
run dataset_stat.py for dataset statistics.

Train Distractor Generator


using tfkit==0.7.0 and transformers==4.4.2

tfkit-train --savedir ./race_cqa_gen_d_bart/ --train ./race_train_updated_cqa_dsep_a_bart.csv --test ./race_test_updated_cqa_dsep_a_bart.csv --model seq2seq  --config facebook/bart-base --batch 9 --epoch 10 --grad_accum 2 --no_eval;
tfkit-train --savedir ./race_cqa_gen_d_bart_pm/ --train ./race_train_updated_cqa_dsep_a_bart.csv --test ./race_test_updated_cqa_dsep_a_bart.csv --model seq2seq  --config facebook/bart-base --batch 9 --epoch 10 --grad_accum 2 --no_eval --likelihood pos;
tfkit-train --savedir ./race_cqa_gen_d_bart_both/ --train ./race_train_updated_cqa_dsep_a_bart.csv --test ./race_test_updated_cqa_dsep_a_bart.csv --model seq2seq  --config facebook/bart-base --batch 9 --epoch 10 --grad_accum 2 --no_eval --likelihood both;


using environment from requirement.txt
run the following in main dir:

Train BDG Model

tfkit-train --maxlen 512 --savedir ./race_cqa_gen_d/ --train ./data_preprocessing/processed_data/race_train_updated_cqa_dsep_a.csv --test ./data_preprocessing/processed_data/race_test_updated_cqa_dsep_a.csv --model onebyone --tensorboard  --config bert-base-cased --batch 30 --epoch 6;

Train BDG AN model

tfkit-train --maxlen 512 --savedir ./race_cqa_gen_d_an/ --train ./data_preprocessing/processed_data/race_train_updated_cqa_dsep_a.csv --test ./data_preprocessing/processed_data/race_test_updated_cqa_dsep_a.csv --model onebyone-neg --tensorboard  --config bert-base-cased --batch 30 --epoch 6;

Train BDG PM model

tfkit-train --maxlen 512 --savedir ./race_cqa_gen_d_pm/ --train ./data_preprocessing/processed_data/race_train_updated_cqa_dsep_a.csv --test ./data_preprocessing/processed_data/race_test_updated_cqa_dsep_a.csv --model onebyone-pos --tensorboard  --config bert-base-cased --batch 30 --epoch 6;

Train BDG AN+PM model

tfkit-train --maxlen 512 --savedir ./race_cqa_gen_d_both/ --train ./data_preprocessing/processed_data/race_train_updated_cqa_dsep_a.csv --test ./data_preprocessing/processed_data/race_test_updated_cqa_dsep_a.csv --model onebyone-both --tensorboard  --config bert-base-cased --batch 30 --epoch 6;

Eval generator

tfkit-eval --model model_path --valid ./data_preprocessing/processed_data/race_test_updated_cqa_dall.csv --metric nlg

Distractor Analysis

Inside distractor analysis folder

  • preprocess_model_result.py for result preprocessing and statistics.
  • normalize_jsonl_file.py merge different model result with same question and context.
  • create_rank_dataset.py prepare data for Entropy Maximization.



git clone https://github.com/huggingface/transformers
cp our transformer file into huggingface/transformers

Training Multiple Choice Question Answering Model

Based on the script run_multiple_choice.py. Download race data Train

#training on 4 tesla V100(16GB) GPUS
export RACE_DIR=../RACE
python ./examples/run_multiple_choice.py \
--model_type roberta \
--task_name race \
--model_name_or_path roberta-base-openai-detector  \
--do_train  \
--do_eval \
--data_dir $RACE_DIR \
--learning_rate 1e-5 \
--num_train_epochs 10 \
--max_seq_length 512 \
--output_dir ./roberta-base-openai-race \
--per_gpu_eval_batch_size=9 \
--per_gpu_train_batch_size=9 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
--save_steps 5000 \
--eval_all_checkpoints \
--seed 77 

Eval QA & Get entropy ensemble result

export RACE_DIR=../multi_dist_normalized_jsonl/xxx.jsonl
python ./examples/run_multiple_choice.py \
--model_type roberta \
--task_name race \
--model_name_or_path ../roberta-base-openai-race/  \
--do_test \
--data_dir $RACE_DIR \
--max_seq_length 512 \
--per_gpu_eval_batch_size=3 \
--output_dir ./race_test_result \