Svelte Starter

Trying to get the best of both worlds: fast and easy svelte development with Sapper bake out html deploy.


  • HMR for lightning fast development
  • Includes csv, json, and svg imports by default
  • SCSS ready (optional)
  • LayerCake preloaded for graphic development
  • Tabler-Icons for simple/easy svg icons
  • Pre-render on deploy for a baked-out HTML with content that is hydrated on load
  • Configured to make easy deploment to Github Pages


npx degit russellgoldenberg/svelte-starter my-project
cd my-project

npm install
npm run dev


Modify content in src and public/assets.


npm run deploy

If deploying to github pages:

make github


CSS or SCSS both work fine. Either do within style tag or externally like:

<style src="../css/app.scss"></style> -->


Any html tags, e.g., {@html user} must be inside of a dom element so they can be properly hydrated.