This is a small Löve2D game project, originaly made for a one hour event. It's a basic top view shooter made of only primitives. Feel free to criticize, fork or whatsoever.
You're going to need a Löve2D executable : Löve2D. One you've cloned the repo, you have two choices :
- Zip all the files and rename the .zip extension in .love. Make sure main.lua file in at archive root and not in a child folder
- leave files in a standalone folder
Depending on which solution you chose, you can run game through this command
love folder/
I used a few contents from around the web, most is annotated in code comments.
- Hump vector lua library : Hump
- checkCircularCollision function : Löve2D Wiki
- clamp function : Löve2D Wiki
- Visitor font : Dafont