
A lexer written in Zig

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT

Zig Lexer

A lexer written in Zig


  1. Install Zig if you don't have it(you can use zig version to check, if it doesn't print x.xx.x, you don't have it)

    To install it, you can either get it from the website, or download it with a package manager(MacOS: brew install zig, Windows: choco install zig, Linux: you know what you're doing)

  2. Clone this repo with git clone https://github.com/voidwyrm-2/zig-lexer
  3. Cd into the zig-lexer folder
  4. Run either zig run main.zig or zig build-exe main.zig and ./main(.\main.exe on Windows)