
Asterisk Queue Statics

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Voipiran Call Stats Developer Version

voipiran call center stats


$ cd /var/www
$ mkdir voipiran //ignore ig voipiran dir exists
$ cd voipiran
$ add your ssh key to authorized_ssh in ~/.ssh
$ git clone git@github.com:voipiran/call-stats-dev stats
$ cd stats
$ cp .env.example .env
$ composer install // install the composer if is not installed
$ php artisan migrate // If there is no `settings` table
$ mkdir /var/www/html/voipiran // ignore if /html/voipiran exists
$ mkdir /var/www/html/voipiran/stats
$ cd  /var/www/voipiran/stats/public 
$ mv ./.[!.]* /var/www/html/voipiran/stats
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf public 
$ chmod -R 777 storage

- cd /var/www/html/voipiran/stats and run below command access to get Recorded sounds
$ ln -s /var/spool/asterisk/monitor

$ php artisan cache:clear
$ composer dump-autoload
$ vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/issabel-htaccess.conf 
   // add folowing command top of the issabel-htaccess.conf  file
   <Directory "/var/www/html/voipiran/stats">
        AllowOverride All
$ systemctl restart httpd
$ install node 16 and yarn
$ go to `/www/var/www/voipiran/stats`
$ yarn
$ yarn watch
$ done

## Production
- go to `/var/www/voipiran/stats`
- `yarn production`

manage language And Setting

  • If there is no settings table, use the following command
$ php artisan migrate

change content page about me

  • path file en is /resource/lang/en/aboutMe.php // for english language
  • path file fa is /resource/lang/fa/aboutMe.php // for farsi language
  after change content please run below command
  $ php artisan cache:clear
  $ php artisan config:clear

Setup Qpanel service python!

$ cd /etc/systemd/system
$ nano qpanel.service
$ past the below content

   ExecStart=/usr/bin/python app.py
   # Consider creating a dedicated user for Wiki.js here:


Check the python --version if it's 2.x.x you need version 3, try python3 --version and replace the python3 app.py insted python app.py in the top content.

$ systemctl start qpanel.service
$ systemctl enabel qpanel.service

It's done, you should see the qpanel on serverip:5000 and it will reload on server boot.

for development

$ sudo yum install nodejs // if node not installed
$ yarn
$ yarn watch
$ if work on server please change webpack.mix (default for local)