
BDD for bash

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Bash BDD spec

This is a simple script where will enable you to right some BDD tests for scripts.

# Load the bash spec
source bash_spec.sh

# Load your script
source script_with_functions.sh

# Write scenarios
Describe my_function
    Given I have 'BRANCH=master'
    When I use with the arguments 'arg1 arg2 arg3'
    Then It should be valid '[[ $DEFINED_VARIABLE =~ ^some?value.*regex$ ]]'
    Then It should be valid '[ -f someNewFile.log ]'

It is initial, and it could be unclear for some folks how to use it. Scripts are hard to handle and will depend on how organized it is. If you have a script with functions, source it. Otherwise, create functions to wrap your bash script to have the same behavior.

That is it, a big script file. I have plans to split it later and use a ci pipeline to merge in a big file like the current one. It will be easier to load one file, but breaking it will give a better organization to maintain the code. We could have both =D

How to use?

  • Download the file and put in your project, or write your script test to download it.
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/voiski/bash_spec/master/bash_spec.sh
  • Create a script file to run your tests, it should source the bash_spec.sh.
    # Load bash bdd spec
    source bash_spec.sh
  • Source the target script to test or write internal functions to execute your script. Ex:
    source my_script_with_functions.sh
    # Use this method in the describe(I got it from rspec idea instead of use scenarios)
    Describe some_function
    # or
    function test_my_script(){
      touch some_dependency.file
      bash my_script.sh $*
    Describe test_my_script
  • Add some scenarios to it.
      Describe my_function
          Given I have 'BRANCH=master'
          When I use with the arguments 'arg1 arg2 arg3'
          Then It should be valid '[[ $DEFINED_VARIABLE =~ ^some?value.*regex$ ]]'
          Then It should be valid '[ -f someNewFile.log ]'

Available steps

It is just a initial and very generic steps, each one will basically evaluate the values.

  • Given
    • I have '(.*)' evaluate the content in the regex group (.*);
    • I run '(.*)' evaluate the content in the regex group (.*) hiding the stdout.
  • When
    • I use with the arguments '(*.)' run the function defined in the Describe function with the arguments of the regex group (.*);
    • I use without arguments run the function defined in the Describe without arguments;
    • I run alias to without arguments step.
  • Then
    • It should be valid '(.*)' evaluate the content in the regex group (.*).


Background is a usefull feature that enables your scenarios to have a background base scenario. The background steps will run before each scenario. To use it, override the Background.

Background() {
    Given I have 'BRANCH=master'
    When I run

Describe mehod_1
    Then It should be valid '[ -f result.method_1.file ]'

Describe mehod_2
    Then It should be valid '[ -f result.method_2.file ]'

Table of Contents

Another BDD feature to improve reuse of code. Here you can write a scenario and define placeholders as normally you do with functions. The principe is simple, you override the Table function and make use of it with the Row function.

Table() {
    When I use with the arguments $1
    Then It should be valid "[ $ACTION = ${2:-$1} ]"

Row 'build' 
Row 'b' 'build'
Row 'validate'
Row 'v' 'validate'

Skip scenarios

You can skip a number of scenarios in order to resume from failing scenarios for example. Or if you are adding a new one and you want to run from there.

export SKIP_TEST=12
bash my_bash_test.sh

It times it fails, it prints the scenario number: --Error! THEN It should be valid somehing (test 14)

How To extend?


You may need to initialize some variables or even clean results from the last scenario. We have a init method called init_script_data that you can override. It is generic, but you can redefine it in the middle of your code if you want to keep it isolated by a group of scenarios.

function init_script_data(){
    rm -f some.file
    echo "etc"


The steps are mapped in threee arrays with phrase as the key and function name as the value.

  • GIVEN_MAP Steps that define the pre-conditions to the scenario;
  • WHEN_MAP Steps related to some change trigger like executions, etc. It is when your function/script will run.
  • THEN_MAP Validation steps to check the results of your test, like the assert methods.


# Keep the function name as the phrase to avoid conflicst
GIVEN_MAP["My given phrase"]=Given_My_given_phrase
    define something

# You can reuse the function with other phrases, like an alias
GIVEN_MAP["Another phrase"]=Given_My_given_phrase

# You can work with regex groups too
GIVEN_MAP["I have the number ([0-9]*) of something"]=Given_I_have_the_number_of_something
    echo "Number: $1"

And use it:

Describe my_function
    Given I have 'BRANCH=master'
    Given I have the number 00992 of something
    When I use with the arguments 'arg1 arg2 arg3'
    Then It should be valid '[[ $DEFINED_VARIABLE =~ ^some?value.*regex$ ]]'
    Then It should be valid '[ -f someNewFile.log ]'