
API to make web scrapping of given url

Primary LanguageTypeScript

An API to request url scrapping

the deployed version at https://scrappingservice.vercel.app/ is outdated!

How to run:

Clone the project to your machine and install the dependencies with yarn or npm install

Run with yarn dev or npm run dev

If you see any compilation or runtime error even on the "/" route, try first running npx tsc --importHelpers and then the run command (concurrently sometimes goes crazy)

How to consume:

Make an request to BASE_ENDPOINT/scrap?uri=https://THE-LINK-YOU-WANNA-SCRAP.com and you will get a 200 json response with scrappingResults and a message. If anything goes wrong you'll receive a 400 json response with just the message.

What's in the scrapping?

Some data can be uncertain, misleading or just abscent, keep that in mind.

  • scrappedAt: Date;
  • title: string;
  • description: string;
  • domain: string;
  • https: boolean;
  • lang: string;
  • favIcon: Source(url)
  • image: Base64 or Source(url)

Opcional params:

You can use the opcional params "mode", "only", "coverType" and "coverAs" to chose how/which data you get back.

  • "mode": ["auto", "force"] (default: "auto")
  • "only": ["scrappedAt", "title", "description", "domain", "https", "lang", "image", "favicon"]
  • "coverType": ["arbitraryChoosenImage", "screenCapture"] (default: "screenCapture")
  • "coverAs": ["b64" | "source"] (default: "b64")