
Node.js daemon service for background running jobs from queuerunner MongoDB queue.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node.js daemon service for background running jobs from queuerunner MongoDB queue. It can/should be used with dvorakjan/QueueRunner (QueueManager sublibrary respectively) originally created by vojtabiberle as a backend for job creation and management.


Daemon is composed by four separate modules. Three of them are corresponding to queuerunner queuees. Activity diagram of service function can be found here.

  • Immediate is fetching jobs from queue of same name and executes them. Command is composed as follows: sudo -u $user -g $group nice -n $nice $interpreter $basePath/$executable $args. Status running is set to job during execution and error or success when complete. Stderr and stdout of proccess is continuously saved to error and output fields of job in queue.
  • Planned is checking every minute all jobs in planned queue. If any of has schedule field (in CRON syntax) which is matching actual time, it is copied to immediate queue with new ID.
  • History is contiunously checking immediate queue and moves jobs with field finished (timestamp created when status changed to success or error) older than certain value (one minute by default) to history queue.
  • Watchdog module is continuously checking count of jobs in immediate queue with status=planned. If certain value (set in config) of consecutive samples exceeds limit, warning email is sent and info is pushed to log.


npm install -g forever 

git clone https://github.com/dvorakjan/noderunner.git /opt/noderunner
cd /opt/noderunner
npm install

ln -s /opt/noderunner/bin/initScript.sh /etc/init.d/noderunner
chmod +x /etc/init.d/noderunner

# Ubuntu
update-rc.d noderunner defaults

# CentOS
chkconfig --add noderunner


  • During development, bin/dev.sh script runs noderunner using nodemon for automatic reloading based on filechange.
  • All logs are located in /var/log/noderunner
  • Manual restart of service using service noderunner restart will try to gracefully let threads finish first. Timeout for force restart can be set using gracefulShutdownTimeout.


Default config file config/defaults.json is possible to override by config/custom.json file.

  "mongoDSN": "mongodb://localhost:27017/db",	
  "logLevel": "info", 
  "sudo": {
    "user": "nginx",
    "group": "nginx"
  "immediate": {
    "interval": 5000,				// num of millis to wait when nothing to do
    "maxThreadsCount": 3			// num of allowed parallel proccesses 
  "history": {
    "interval": 30000,				// frequency of history check in millis
    "maxAge": 60000					// num of millis from job finish before its move to history queue
  "watchdog": {
    "interval": 360000,				// frequency of check in millis (every 6 minutes)
    "badSamplesLimit": 15,			// number of consecutive samples before warning is send (1.5 hour)
    "email": {
      "from": "noderunner@ebrana.cz",
      "to": "dvorak@ebrana.cz"
  "statusAlias": {					// can be used to rename statuses (especially for testing purposes)
    "planned": "planed2",
    "fetched": "fetched2",
    "running": "running2",
    "success": "success2",
    "error": "error2"
    "threadNames":["Chuck","Paul"] // you can call threads by yourself :-)