
Plaid docs

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Plaid docs

Technical Assesment:

//////////////////////////////////////////////// Location: https://github.com/katherinemorgan-ut/TechnicalAssessment/blob/master/gistfile1.md

Please return your work as a gist and send to klehman@plaid.com


Use whatever resources you would like; Google, Stack Overflow, Plaid's documentation are all fair game. Use whichever language you are most comfortable with. Our work here on Support is collaborative, don't hesitate to ask questions!

Problem 1


A major part of a Technical Support Engineer’s (TSE) role at Plaid is escalating customer reported issues to our Integrations team. When escalating an issue, TSEs are required to determine the number of Items that are affected by the issue for prioritization purposes. An Item is a set of credentials at a financial institution; each Item can have many Accounts associated with them. TSE’s scope issues like this by querying Plaid’s data warehouse using SQL (aka Simple Query Language).

Jump to SQL_learning.md for a brief lesson on SQL

Technical Support Engineers frequently scope the number of Items affected by a given issue using a table called airflow_collections.accounts_production

airflow_collections.accounts_production (table name): item_id account_id name institution_type type subtype available_balance current_balance 52a27332c0474ab823000003 52d558b3a7fabe103700000f BofA Core Checking amex depository checking 311.22 305.28 52a5520ccf2bc3b430000026 52d558b3a7fabe103700000e CD bofa depository cd 3825.24 47.26 52a639b77f1c1c63330004fd 530bfed37251c2fe17000014 American Express Gold Card chase credit credit card 362.88 362.88 52d59675645592d31400000c 53549a7309f28b326b9e9fe9 Total Checking wells depository savings 1410.75 1450 52d55790a7fabe103700000a 534da5027c4ba504370c0958 Money Market Savings citi depository money market 86.75 309

Schema Field Name Type Description item_id string unique id assigned to each item account_id string unique id assigned to each account name string name of the account as it is returned by the institution institution_type string abbreviated representation of the institutions name type string primary account type categorization subtype string secondary account categorization available_balance number account balance that factors in funds allocated for pending transactions current_balance number account balance that does not consider pending transactions Each row represents one Plaid account and its associated details.

The following 4 cases are examples of data quality issues a TSE might encounter at Plaid. For each case, please provide the SQL query you would use to return the specified output:

A) You discover an issue with our Wells Fargo integration (institution_type: wells) that causes depository accounts to be returned with a null current balance. Return a list of account_ids affected by this issue.

A)SELECT account_ids FROM airflow_collections.accounts_production WHERE (institution_type like 'wells') AND (current_balance is NULL);

B) You discover a bug with our Chase integration (institution_type: chase) that causes us to return credit card accounts with the generic account name “CREDIT CARD”. Return the number of account_ids affected by this issue.

B)SELECT COUNT(account_ids) FROM airflow_collections.accounts_production WHERE institution_type like 'chase' AND name like 'CREDIT CARD';

C) You discover an issue with our Bank of America integration (institution_type: bofa) that causes accounts with the subtype:cd to be returned with a negative available balance. Return a list of distinct item_ids affected by this issue.

C)SELECT available_balance < 0 FROM airflow_collections.accounts_production WHERE institution_type like 'bofa' AND subtype like 'cd'

D) You discover an issue with our American Express integration (institution_type: amex) that causes some money market accounts to be classified as type: depository and subtype: savings (you can expect all money market accounts to contain the words “Money Market” somewhere in the account name). Return the number of distinct items affected.

D)SELECT DISTINCT institution_type, type, subtype FROM airflow_collections.accounts_production WHERE institution_type like 'amex' AND type like 'depository' AND subtype like 'savings' AND name like '%Mondey Market%'

Problem 2

(respond to customer)

A customer writes in with the following question:

Hi Plaid Support,

My customer linked their Wells Fargo account, account_id: 481032957, but their loan account is showing a balance of -10,513.00, which is the amount they owe. Your documentation says that amounts owed should be positive (see attached screenshot [at the bottom of this gist]).

Could you please look into why this is?


The attached file from Plaid's codebase, retrieveProducts.js, grabs the accounts for a given Item, determines what products should be retrieved for each account, and extracts any relevant data. Note that the functions to actually retrieve data are imported from another folder.

The specific account they added is of type loan.

Using the below file, retrieveProducts.js, as well as our documentation, determine why the balance for this account is wrong.

If there is a bug in the code, make a quick list in the text editor of your choice of what information might be useful for our Engineering team to investigate further or resolve the issue.

Once you have done so, write up a response to Matt's ticket in the same file.


found in code in retrieveProducts.js file:

// all account types return a balance function balance(account) { let flippedAccountTypes = ['credit', 'loan'];

if (flippedAccountTypes.includes(account.type)) {
   return Math.abs(account.balance);
} else {
   return 0 - Math.abs(account.balance);


Those 2 should be switched. (I think) to get the positive value returned.

Problem 3

(API request and modifications)

A client has contacted Plaid Support with a couple of questions:

Are transaction amounts returned by Plaid numbers or strings? Our users repeatedly ask us to return transactions of a specific amount during a given time frame - any ideas on how to do this? In order to help this client out, please write a script that accomplishes the following:

Performs an API request to Plaid's /transactions/get endpoint using a Sandbox access_token, that pulls transaction data from 2020-12-01 through 2020-12-31. (SHOULD BE 2021-04-15 to 2021-5-15) Consumes the JSON response from the above API request and determines whether amount fields are returned as a number or string. Checking one amount is sufficient. Returns the transaction data for only transactions that are of the amount 6.33 during the above time period. Output can be either via the command line or as a file.

MY ANSWER: use - https://plaid.com/docs/transactions/pagination/ and https://plaid.com/docs/api/products/#transactionsget