
SQL client that allows you to create server connections for PostgreSQL and MySQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SQL client for PostgreSQL and MySQL

SQL client that allows you to create server connections for PostgreSQL and MySQL. It runs on ElectronJS, Node (Express) and Vue 2.


  • Tables, Views, Columns - Preview all tables or views for database as well as corresponding columns.
  • Navigation - Right click on each record to open context menu.
  • View Definition - Preview view definition once view is opened in query tab.
  • SQL Results - Results table can display large number of records (tested on ~700.000 rows). There are no pagination links since it uses DOM recycle to display results. Columns are resizable, cell's are clickable (if you wan't to check entire field value).
  • SQL history - Check SQL history for each server you have created.
  • Scripts - In query tab easily access table statements INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.

Things to know

  • PostgreSQL navigation doesn't include schemas and by default public schema is shown for each database, including schemas into navigation is something on TODO list.


From your command line:

# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/vojvodic/sql-manager
# Go into the repository
cd sql-manager
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the app
npm start

UI Examples

