😇 Our seminar towards this problem is here
In this work, we would like to introduce 2 of the highlighted neural architectures in the field of object detection, which are: DEtection TRansformer and You Only Look Once. After that, we shall compare the performance between 2 these architectures via applying into the problem of detecting various abnormalities using CXR images. And finally, we will introduce our demo for this work.
This work is conducted by:
- Our dataset is taken from VinDr-CXR.
Our dataset consists of 18 000 postero-anterior (PA) view Chest X-Rays (CXR) scans from a set of more than 100 000 raw images. They are all annotated by a group of 17 radiologists with at least 8 years of experience.
Among 18 000 CXR scans, there are 5 000 scans served as training set, and 3 000 others as test set. The original size was
1024 x 1024
but we did resize them into256 x 256
and change image format from DICOM into PNG.
Here we use 2 architectures, which are: DEtection TRansformer and You Only Look Once.
- DEtection TRansformer (DETR): Proposed by Nicolas Carion and Francisco Massa from Facebook AI in 2020. DETR was first introduced to eliminate handmade's interference on postprocessing step effectively but still maintain the high performance compared to other methods.
- You Only Look Once (YOLOv5): Object recognition systems from the YOLO family are often used for vehicle recognition tasks, and have been shown to outperform other target recognition algorithms. YOLOv5 has proven to significantly improve the processing time of deeper networks. This attribute will gain in importance when moving forward with the project to bigger datasets and real-time detection.
- assets: images used for this readme
- Model
- DETR.ipynb
- YOLOv5.ipynb
- gitignore
- First, you need to download NODEJS. Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. To get more infomation about Node.js, please see the Node.js Website.
- In your terminal, run this script to init:
chmod +x src/dependencies.sh && ./src/dependencies.sh
- Run
node src/index.js
- Proceeded in 30 epochs with GPU:
NVIDIA @ Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB
, RAM: 26GB and Pytorch framework - Both architectures are trained and validated using 5-fold cross validation on training set; then tested on test set
- Use pretrained YOLOv5x and pretrained DETR on COCO val-2017
- Use ResNet50 as their own CNN backbone
- DETR’s learning rate is 3e-5 and YOLOv5x’s learning rate is 0.01
Private score on Kaggle's VinBigData Chest X-ray Abnormalities Detection contest
Private score (mAP) | |
Rank 1 | 0.314 |
Rank 2 | 0.307 |
... | ... |
Rank 1005 | 0.137 |
Our YOLOv5 | 0.136 |
... | ... |
Rank 1099 | 0.064 |
Our DETR | 0.062 |
... | ... |
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