
javascript library that use animate.css to animate selected html elements.


animitio is a javascript library that use [animate.css] (https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/) to animate selected html elements.


  1. include both the stylesheet animate.css and the javascript file animitio.min.js to your document
     <script src="animitio.min.js"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="animate.css">
  1. in the body add a script tag and select the element that you want to be animated with the Id() function :
     <div id="test">the element test</div> 
          Id('test').bounce(); // we used the bounce animation & Id() with Uppercase i

Events commands:

Event Animitio command
onclick Id('').click(function(){})
ondblclick Id('').dblclick(function(){})
onmousedown Id('').mdown(function(){})
onmouseup Id('').mup(function(){})
onmouseover Id('').mover(function(){})
onmouseout Id('').mout(function(){})
onmousemove Id('').mmove(function(){})
onkeydown Id('').keydown(function(){})
onkeyup Id('').keyup(function(){})

Available animations:

to set the animation you have to use the function Id('').bounce() and change bounce with one of the animation.css classes:

  • bounce
  • flash
  • pulse
  • rubberBand
  • shake
  • headShake
  • swing
  • tada
  • wobble
  • jello
  • bounceIn
  • bounceInDown
  • bounceInLeft
  • bounceInRight
  • bounceInUp
  • bounceOut
  • bounceOutDown
  • bounceOutLeft
  • bounceOutRight
  • bounceOutUp
  • fadeIn
  • fadeInDown
  • fadeInDownBig
  • fadeInLeft
  • fadeInLeftBig
  • fadeInRight
  • fadeInRightBig
  • fadeInUp
  • fadeInUpBig
  • fadeOut
  • fadeOutDown
  • fadeOutDownBig
  • fadeOutLeft
  • fadeOutLeftBig
  • fadeOutRight
  • fadeOutRightBig
  • fadeOutUp
  • fadeOutUpBig
  • flipInX
  • flipInY
  • flipOutX
  • flipOutY
  • lightSpeedIn
  • lightSpeedOut
  • rotateIn
  • rotateInDownLeft
  • rotateInDownRight
  • rotateInUpLeft
  • rotateInUpRight
  • rotateOut
  • rotateOutDownLeft
  • rotateOutDownRight
  • rotateOutUpLeft
  • rotateOutUpRight
  • hinge
  • rollIn
  • rollOut
  • zoomIn
  • zoomInDown
  • zoomInLeft
  • zoomInRight
  • zoomInUp
  • zoomOut
  • zoomOutDown
  • zoomOutLeft
  • zoomOutRight
  • zoomOutUp
  • slideInDown
  • slideInLeft
  • slideInRight
  • slideInUp
  • slideOutDown
  • slideOutLeft
  • slideOutRight
  • slideOutUp

Other commands:

you can also hide,show and toggle elements using:

  Id('test').show(); //to show hidden elements
  Id('test').hide(); //to hide hide elements
  Id('test').toggle(); //to toggle elements

to remove added animation class from element use:
