LP tokens must be burned 100%

Adding Your Token to QOMSWAP

To have your token listed on QOMSWAP, please follow these guidelines: Folder Structure

Fork the Repository: Start by forking the QOMSWAP repository.

Create a Folder: Create a folder named with the address of your token contract. This folder will contain the required files for listing your token. Ensure the folder is structured as follows:

0xYourTokenAddress/ logo.png telegram.txt

Requirements for Each File logo.png

The logo of your token.
Size: Ensure the logo is the same size as the example provided in the repository (256x256 pixels).
Format: The logo must be in PNG format.


Content: The content should include the NAME, SYMBOL, and TELEGRAM URL, with no additional text or formatting. It should look like this:

NAME: Name 
SYMBOL: Symbol 
DECIMALS: (if different than 18)
TELEGRAM: (your telegram link)
LP BURNED/LOCKED: Qomscan tx where you locked or burned your LP