
Mastodon social graph with an SQL backend, in-memory cache, and built-in, on-demand web scraper.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Mastodon social graph with an SQL backend, in-memory cache, and built-in, on-demand web scraper.


You can install the library and all its dependencies using pip install mastodon-social-graph.

Getting started

1) Register your application to get an access token

Log in to the Mastodon instance you would like the graph to work with and register a new application in the Preferences / Development menu.

Alternatively, you can use Mastodon.py to create an application. You can start here.

2) Create a Mastodon (Mastodon.py) instance

You can create a Mastodon instance like this:

from mastodon import Mastodon

mastodon_app = Mastodon(
    api_base_url="<mastodon-server-url>",  # E.g. https://mastodon.social
    ratelimit_method="wait",  # Wait when you hit the rate limit.

For other options, see Mastodon.py's documentation.

3) Create the graph

If you already have mastodon_app -- created in the previous step -- in scope, you can create the graph like this:

from mastodon_social_graph import MastodonSocialGraph

graph = MastodonSocialGraph(mastodon_app)

4) Load a node and its neighbors

Once you have the graph, you can load the first node from Mastodon like this:

account_name: str = "mastodon"

mastodon_account_node = graph.get_node_for_account_name(account_name)
if mastodon_account_node is None:
    raise ValueError("Node not found.")

# This call fetches neighbor nodes in the background if they are not stored already locally.
# If the neighbors of the node are already in the database, no request will be sent to Mastodon.
neighbors = mastodon_account_node.neighbors
for node in neighbors:
    # `node.external_id` is the account handle, `node.name` is the Mastodon database ID (for technical reasons).
    print(f"{node.external_id} ({node.name})")

For configuration, utilities, and details, please see the code.

Related projects

You can find related projects here:


Use this library and the fetched data responsibly.

The Mastodon API is rate limited and paged. Certain methods (e.g. follower loading) of the graph -- and its build-in web scraper -- can result in a large number of requests towards the Mastodon instance. These methods can be quite slow, because by design the web scraper makes only 1 request at a time and it doesn't try to work around the imposed rate limit.


The library is built on graphscraper and Mastodon.py, and under the hood graphscraper works with an SQL (by default SQLite) database.


Use black for code formatting and mypy for static code analysis.


Contributions are welcome, but keep in mind this is a hobby project intended for light Mastodon social network analysis and discovery.

License - MIT

The library is open-sourced under the conditions of the MIT license.