
Kotlin RESTful web services using Spring boot and Spring MVC/JAX-RS

Primary LanguageKotlin


In this guide, we will be building a Kotlin RESTful web services using Spring Boot and Spring MVC / JAX-RS. Instructions are provided to use either Spring MVC or JAX-RS. We will be adding unit tests and integration tests as well. This guide assumes you have a basic knowledge of Kotlin, Spring Boot and Maven.

Note: Maven is used in the uploaded source code but instructions are provided to use Gradle instead of Maven.


Create a sample app

  • Go to Spring Initializr and generate a Gradle/Maven with Kotlin and Spring Boot project.
  • Select Web as dependency to build a Spring MVC RESTful webservice.
  • Select Jersey (JAX-RS) as dependency to build a JAX-RS RESTful webservice.
  • Fill in the Group and Artifact and click on generate project.

Import to IntelliJ

Import the extracted folder to IntelliJ.

Application Context

Add a Spring Boot application context. This class will be generated by Spring Initializr.

class HelloApplication

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    SpringApplication.run(HelloApplication::class.java, *args)

Add a REST endpoint class

Add a controller

Spring MVC

class HelloController {
    fun helloString() = "Hello string!"

Add a JAX-RS endpoint


class HelloResource {
    fun helloString() = "Hello string!"

Add Jersey ResourceConfig


Note: This is required only for JAX-RS based service. Do not add this for Spring MVC based service.

Add Jersey ResourceConfig class to your Spring context and register the JAX-RS endpoint class. This is commented out in uploaded source code. You have to uncomment it, if you are using JAX-RS.

class HelloConfig : ResourceConfig() {
    init {

    private fun registerEndpoints() {

Start the application

Start the application from HelloApplication class and load http://localhost:8080/hello/string

Hello string!


Let's add a service and wire it into our controller / JAX-RS endpoint.

Add a service class

Spring MVC and JAX-RS

class HelloService {
    fun getHello() = "Hello service!"

Add a new REST endpoint

Spring MVC

lateinit var helloService: HelloService

fun helloService() = helloService.getHello()


lateinit var helloService: HelloService

fun helloService() = helloService.getHello()

Restart the application

Restart the application from HelloApplication class and load http://localhost:8080/hello/service

Hello service!

Data class

Let's add a data object to return in our controller / JAX-RS endpoint.

Add a data class

Spring MVC and JAX-RS

data class Hello(val message: String)

Add a new REST endpoint

Spring MVC

fun helloData() = Hello("Hello data!")


fun helloData() = Hello("Hello data!")

Add the Jackson maven dependency

jackson-module-kotlin is required to support marshaling.

Spring MVC and JAX-RS





Restart the application

Restart the application from HelloApplication class and load http://localhost:8080/hello/data

    "message":"Hello data!"

Integration test

Spring MVC and JAX-RS

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class HelloEndointIntegrationTest {

    lateinit var testRestTemplate: TestRestTemplate

    fun testHelloController() {
        val result = testRestTemplate.getForEntity("/hello/string", String::class.java)
        assertEquals(result.statusCode, HttpStatus.OK)
        assertEquals(result.body, "Hello string!")

    fun testHelloService() {
        val result = testRestTemplate.getForEntity("/hello/service", String::class.java)
        assertEquals(result.statusCode, HttpStatus.OK)
        assertEquals(result.body, "Hello service!")

    fun testHelloDto() {
        val result = testRestTemplate.getForEntity("/hello/data", Hello::class.java)
        assertEquals(result.statusCode, HttpStatus.OK)
        assertEquals(result.body, Hello("Hello data!"))

Unit test

Controller / JAX-RS unit test

Spring MVC

class HelloControllerUnitTest {

    lateinit var helloController: HelloController

    lateinit var helloService: HelloService

    fun testHelloController() {
        val result = helloController.helloString()
        assertEquals("Hello string!", result)

    fun testHelloService() {
        doReturn("Hello service!").`when`(helloService).getHello()
        val result = helloController.helloService()
        assertEquals("Hello service!", result)

    fun testHelloDto() {
        val result = helloController.helloData()
        assertEquals(Hello("Hello data!"), result)


class HelloResourceUnitTest {

    lateinit var helloResource: HelloResource

    lateinit var helloService: HelloService

    fun testHelloController() {
        val result = helloResource.helloString()
        assertEquals("Hello string!", result)

    fun testHelloService() {
        doReturn("Hello service!").`when`(helloService).getHello()
        val result = helloResource.helloService()
        assertEquals("Hello service!", result)

    fun testHelloDto() {
        val result = helloResource.helloData()
        assertEquals(Hello("Hello data!"), result)

Service unit test

Spring MVC and JAX-RS

class HelloServiceUnitTest {

    lateinit var helloService: HelloService

    fun testHelloController() {
        val result = helloService.getHello()
        assertEquals("Hello service!", result)
