
Node/Postgres/Vue/native Android app in Kotlin for collecting speech samples.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Speech Data Collection

This is a set of tools for building speech corpora. Users can record speech samples in an Android app according to instructions that are managed from a web-based admin dashboard. Completed recordings are uploaded automatically and accessible from the dashboard.

There are 3 main components:

  • Android App - native app written in Kotlin, distributed to end-users to record audio samples
  • Admin Dashboard - Vue/Vuetify single-page application for managing contents of the app and uploaded recordings
  • Back-end - Node/Express/Postgres based REST API to serve both the app and the dashboard

Repository structure

Some of the more important folders are:

  • /app/ - Android app project
  • /app/src/main/java/.../speechdatacollection/ - app main activity and startup logic
  • /app/src/main/java/.../speechdatacollection/fragments/ - sub-views to the main activity
  • /app/src/main/java/.../speechdatacollection/network/ - service to call back-end with data structures
  • /backend/admin/ - admin dashboard Vue project
  • /backend/admin/src/views/ - Vue components for dashboard views (pages)
  • /backend/admin/src/components/ - subcomponents for views
  • /backend/server/ - back-end server Node project
  • /backend/server/public/ - static HTML/CSS page for providing app download
  • /backend/server/src/db/ - file storage and database services
  • /backend/server/src/db/sql/ - database schema and queries
  • /backend/server/src/routes/api/ - REST API routes
  • /backend/server/src/middleware/ - oauth2 authentication for API calls

Further details are available at https://digikogu.taltech.ee/en/Item/cb25a4f4-2243-4766-bd78-e6fccad12b18 (in Estonian).