A simple money transfer REST API implementation with concurrency
Account API
- Create account
- View account details
Transfer API
- Create transfer
- View transfer details
- List all transfers
Assumption: solution operates only with debit accounts.
The API designed as a REST APIs with JSON payload.
Transfer processing consists of the following steps (see picture below):
- register transfer (single thread, thread-1)
- validate transfer (single thread, thread-1)
- withdraw money from the source account (single thread, thread-1)
- (partition into blocks of threads)
- deposit money to the target account (single thread, thread-N)
- complete transfer, save transfer to in-memory storage (single thread, thread-N)
All these steps implemented as pipeline using rxjava
library (see:
Java ConcurrentHashMap
used as in-memory storage. Withdraw and deposit operations on accounts performed atomically.
Throttling of transfer requests implemented using Java BlockingQueue
which is also used as communication channel between service (accept transfer requests) and pipeline executor (process transfer requests).
Mission critical pieces of application covered with tests.
Tools, Frameworks, Libraries
- Java 11+
- Maven build-automation tool
- javalin lightweight web framework for REST APIs
- guice lightweight dependency injection framework
- rxjava library for asynchronous programming
- Swagger UI library for REST APIs documentation
How to run the demo
Clone the project from GitHub:
git clone
Build the project:
mvn clean install
Run application:
java -jar target/transfer-api-1.0.jar
- Configuration options can be overridden using environment variables:
PORT=8080 BUFFER_SIZE=1000 MAX_THREADS=100 java -jar target/transfer-api-1.0.jar
- Configuration options can be overridden using environment variables:
Execute unit tests:
mvn test
Execute unit + integration tests:
mvn integration-test
- To create account with initial balance of 1000 EUR:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/accounts" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"initialBalance\":1000}"
account id
will be returned in the JSON payload, Location
header will contain link to account information API.
- To request account information:
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/accounts/de07e939-55dd-4086-b559-86db399e51d5" -H "accept: application/json"
- To transfer 10 EUR from account
to account8810b77a-f326-4e27-8e48-4e77a7f27e05
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/transfers" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"sourceAccountId\":\"de07e939-55dd-4086-b559-86db399e51d5\",\"targetAccountId\":\"8810b77a-f326-4e27-8e48-4e77a7f27e05\",\"amount\":10}"
account id
will be returned in the JSON payload, Location
header will contain link to transfer information API.
- To request transfer information:
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/transfers/3d98e966-2a39-46e2-9afc-d2b7cf2285d4" -H "accept: application/json"
CI builds
API Documentation
API documentation available after application starts at http://localhost:${PORT}/swagger-ui
Project Structure
- the code of solution (src/main/java/com/demo):
├── api (API implementation)
│ ├── account (Account API)
│ │ ├── controller (REST API controller)
│ │ │ └── validator (User requests validator)
│ │ ├── dto (Data transfer object(s))
│ │ ├── model (Business model)
│ │ ├── repository (Data persistence logic)
│ │ ├── service (Business logic)
│ │ └── validator (Data validator(s), used in business logic)
│ ├── common (API-level common classes both for account and transfer APIs)
│ ├── exception (API exceptions)
│ ├── model (Shared business model)
│ └── transfer (Transfer API)
│ ├── controller ...
│ │ └── validator ...
│ ├── dto ...
│ ├── manager (Business logic to process events, pipeline executor)
│ ├── model ...
│ ├── repository ...
│ ├── service ...
│ ├── store (Simple event store implementation)
│ └── validator ...
├── common (Application-level shared classes)
└── util (Utility classes)
- unit tests (src/test/java/com/demo):
└── api (API tests)
├── account (Account API)
│ └── service (Business logic tests)
└── transfer (Transfer API)
├── manager (Event-processing tests)
└── service ...
- integration tests (src/integrationTest/java/com/demo):
└── api (API tests)
├── account (Account API)
│ └── controller (REST API controller tests)
├── common (API-level shared classes)
└── transfer (Transfer API)
└── controller ...