
Deploying to Maven Central Repository

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Guide to automate process uploading artifacts to the Central Repository

High level overview

  • Create a Sonatype OSSRH account
  • Ensure your library is properly configured
  • Configure CI


1. Create a New Project ticket

Sonatype OSSRH (Open Source Repository Hosting) is a Maven repository that can easily sync with the Maven Central Repository.

Recommendation: you should register with a company account

For github group id io.github.YOUR_GIT_HUB_NAME you might be asked to create a repository with the name of the ticket to validate that this is your account, example: https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-51322

read more: https://central.sonatype.org/pages/choosing-your-coordinates.html

2. Configure POM xml

<description>Your artifact description</description>
<url>Link to your page or GitHub</url>
    <name>MIT License</name>
     <name>Your name</name>
     <email>Your email</email>
     <organization>Your company</organization>
     <organizationUrl>Your company's website</organizationUrl>

We also need add some maven plugins


3. Generate gpg key

  • Make sure you have GPG installed. Run on MacOS brew install gpg
  • Generate GPG key, you will be asked for passphrase(you should note it down) gpg --gen-key
  • Distribute your key so that everyone gpg --keyserver hkp://ipv4.pool.sks-keyservers.net --send-keys YOUR_GPG_KEY

4. Configure maven settings

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation='http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd'
          xmlns='http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>



5. Configure Circleci

Setup circleci configuration

Create a file .circleci/config.yml

version: 2.1
      - image: circleci/openjdk:8-jdk
    working_directory: ~/nexus-demo

      MAVEN_OPTS: -Xmx3200m

      - checkout
      - restore_cache:
          key: nexus-demo-{{ checksum "pom.xml" }}
      - run: mvn --fail-never dependency:go-offline || true

      - save_cache:
            - ~/.m2
          key: nexus-demo-{{ checksum "pom.xml" }}

      - run:
          name: Deploy Nexus Demo on Java 8
          command: |
            mvn -s settings.xml clean deploy

  version: 2
      - build-java8

Setup environment variables

Configure environment variables in circleci https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/env-vars/#setting-an-environment-variable-in-a-project

  • OSS_PASSWORD sonatype password
  • USERNAME sonatype username
  • PASSPHRASE GPG passphrase

6. Automate GitHub Releases with CircleCI

Setup circleci configuration

If you want to setup github auto-deploy, you should extend configuration file .circleci/config.yml with:

      - image: circleci/golang:1.13
      - checkout
      - run:
          name: "Publish Release on GitHub"
          command: |
            go get github.com/tcnksm/ghr
            export VERSION=$(cat ~/project/pom.xml | grep "^    <version>.*</version>$" | awk -F'[><]' '{print $3}')
            ghr -t ${GITHUB_TOKEN} -u ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME} -r ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME} -c ${CIRCLE_SHA1} -delete ${VERSION} ~/project

Setup environment variables

You should add environment variables to circleci

  • CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME - project name, for us it's ossrh-demo
  • CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME - project username, for us it's volkodavs
  • GITHUB_TOKEN - you should generate personal access token, read more, with permission: read:packages, repo, write:packages

7. Summary

Hopefully this guide saves you some of the troubles we’ve encountered while setting up our integration with the Maven Central Repository!