
wys Token and Token Sale Contracts

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

wys Token and Token Sale Contracts


This repository contains the contracts for the wys ERC20 Token and the wys Token Sale. Please refer to the resources below to learn more about the wys Token and the wysker app it powers.


Here is what you will find in this repository:

Resource Purpose
src Solidity contracts
|- ERC20.sol The ERC20 interface
|- Ownable.sol Adapted from Open Zeppelin, this reprents a contract that can be owned
|- Pausable.sol Adapted from Open Zeppelin, this reprents a contract that can be paused and resumed
|- SafeMath.sol Adapted from Open Zeppelin, library that provides overflow-safe arithmetic
|- StandardToken.sol Adapted from Open Zeppelin, implements the basic ERC20 functionality
|- TokenSale.sol Implements the logic of the wys Token Sale
|- WysToken.sol Dervied from StandardToken.sol, this implements functionality specific to the wys Token
test Unit tests
|- TokenSale.js Test suite for TokenSale.sol and WysToken.sol
|- utils.js Helper functions for compiling and deploying Solidity contracts for TestRPC


To test these contracts, please make sure you have the "mocha" node module installed globally (using the -g flag)

You can run the test suite via

$ npm test

Contact us

Please get in touch with us! We'd love to hear your thoughts!