
You know Pythonic f-strings? It's the same but for Clojure

Primary LanguageClojure

hash-s - format strings


Add hash-s to your deps.edn:

 {io.github.vollcheck/hash-s {:git/sha "<commit hash here>"}}}


(require '[hash-s])

(def who "mike wazowski")

(println #s"\"What can I say? The camera loves me.\" - {who} said.")

what the name?

I wanted to go for hash-f to highlight the link to Python's f-string but the name is occupied already by the https://github.com/opqdonut/hash-f


  • handle the maps (they produce {} which is detected as a string to replace
  • handle vars defined by let
  • create a clj-kondo rule for marking defined vars/let vars as used (for now they are highlighted as unused)