Experiments using Red Planet Labs' Rama with Clojure. Based on the tutorial and rama-examples.
Run Hello World example:
clojure -M -m rama-playground.hello-world
Run Word Counter example:
clojure -M -m rama-playground.simple-word-count
Analytics Application example:
clojure -M -m rama-playgound.analytics-app
Note on working in REPL:
When I had io.github.nubank/morse on the classpath in my repl profile the examples failed to run with Failed to generate constants class
exception. But using just plain nREPL worked:
clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}' -M -m nrepl.cmdline
For Emacs users, standard cider-jack-in
will work as well.