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OpenCAPWAP v2.0

Open source implementation of the CAPWAP protocol according to RFC 4515 and RFC 4516. It supports both SplitMAC and LocalMAC operational architectures.

For further informations please refer to:
"OpenCAPWAP v2.0: the new open-source implementation of the CAPWAP protocol", E. Agostini, M. Bernaschi, M. Vellucci, L. Vollero International Journal of Network Management 2016, Volume 26, Issue 6, Pages 537–552

Wiley Online Library


This version has been tested on Linux Debian distro 32-bit. You need to install the following libraries:


In order to run the WTP software, you must have a wireless card with AP mode available (check with iw)


Within the openCAPWAP folder, type:

make clean

For further info, please refer to the INSTALL file


OpenCAPWAP doesn't provide any type of DHCP service or IP assignation to associated stations, that is you must have a DHCP server active. When a client station associates with the WTP's AP interface, it starts to send DHCP Discovery messages. If you are using the SPLIT MAC mode, you must create a bridge between AC's network interface (ethernet or wireless) and the AC's tap interface. If you are using the LOCAL MAC mode, you must create a bridge between the WTP's AP interface and the ethernet interface. The DHCP server must be reachable from WTP's ethernet (LOCAL MAC) or AC's ethernet (SPLIT MAC).