
CLI tool to trim off some seconds from start and/or from end of file

Process all files in the directory unless . Trim specified seconds from start. Trim specified seconds from end.

ffmpeg must be installed!

See stackoverflow for more details See sseof input option for simple usage

Tested on Linux.


Usage: ffmpegtrim [OPTIONS]

  -d, --dir <DIR>
          input directory path [default: /mnt/mystorage/rs_projects/ffmpegtrim]
      --ts <TRIM_START>
          trim seconds from start of file [default: ]
      --if <INTRO_FRAME>
          intro frame file path [default: ]
      --ifgt <INTRO_GT_DURATION>
          intro frame greater than duration [default: ]
      --iflt <INTRO_LT_DURATION>
          intro frame less than duration [default: ]
          intro frame blackframe amount [default: 95]
          intro frame blackframe threshold [default: 15]
      --te <TRIM_END>
          trim seconds from end of file [default: ]
      --of <OUTRO_FRAME>
          outro frame file path [default: ]
      --ofgt <OUTRO_GT_DURATION>
          outro frame greater than duration [default: ]
      --oflt <OUTRO_LT_DURATION>
          outro frame less than duration [default: ]
          outro frame blackframe amount [default: 95]
          outro frame blackframe threshold [default: 15]
          skip encoding
      --mv <MAP_VIDEO>
          take video stream by index from input source and map to the output (skip anything else, e.g. subtitles) [default: ]
      --ma <MAP_AUDIO>
          take audio stream by index from input source and map to the output (skip anything else, e.g. subtitles) [default: ]
  -x, --ext <EXT>
          file(s) extension [default: mp4]
  -f, --filter <FILTER>
          process file that includes <f> in file path [default: ]
  -l, --list
          list all file paths in current directory
          run test mode for images output only
          run test mode for videos output only
      --scr <MAKE_SCREENSHOT>
          make screenshot at time [default: ]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version


Show help

./ffmpegtrim --help

Trim 60 seconds from start and 20 seconds from end

./ffmpegtrim --ts 60 --te 20

Trim 45 seconds from start & filter files with mkv extension

./ffmpegtrim --ts 45 -x mkv

Trim 45 seconds from start & filter files with mp4 extension & do not re-encode, try to quick split if possible

./ffmpegtrim --ts 45 -x mp4 --se

Trim 48 seconds from start & keep only 5 seconds after start position & filter files with mkv extension

./ffmpegtrim --ts 48dur5 -x mkv

Trim 32 seconds from end & keep only 5 seconds before end position & take first video stream & take first audio stream

./ffmpegtrim --te 32dur5 --ma 0 --mv 0

Trim 33 seconds from start & keep only 5 seconds after start position & filter files with mkv extension and path contains 01

./ffmpegtrim --ts 33dur5 -f 01 -x mkv

Print all files in current folder and filtered files that will be processed

./ffmpegtrim -l


cargo build --release

Test build directly

cargo run -- -d /mnt/mystorage/Video/t --filter 51 --ts 21.32 --te 17.7
cargo run -- -d /mnt/mystorage/Video/t --filter 51 --if /mnt/mystorage/Video/t/intro.jpg --ifgt 15 --iflt 30 --of /mnt/mystorage/Video/t/outro.jpg --ofgt 280 --oflt 300
cargo run -- -d /mnt/mystorage/Video/t --ifgt 50 --iflt 60 --ofgt 550 --oflt 600
cargo run -- -d /mnt/mystorage/Video/t --if /mnt/mystorage/Video/t/intro.jpg --ifgt 50 --iflt 60 --of /mnt/mystorage/Video/t/outro.jpg --ofgt 550 --oflt 600
cargo run -- -d /mnt/mystorage/Video/t --if /mnt/mystorage/Video/t/intro.jpg --ifgt 55 --iflt 65 --ifba 99 --ifbt 05 --of /mnt/mystorage/Video/t/outro.jpg --ofgt 1275 --oflt 1300 --ofba 99 --ofbt 05 --filter 01 --ext mkv --ma 3 --mv 0