
Configuration dotfiles

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp



# Disable login password
sudo groupadd -r autologin
sudo gpasswd -a $USER autologin
# /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

# Scale apps on HDPI
# /etc/profile.d/gtk.sh
export GDK_DPI_SCALE=1.33

# Enable options in /etc/pacman.conf
Color CheckSpace VerbosePkgLists ParallelDownloads = 4
# Disable [multilib]
# Update package repositories
sudo pacman -Syyu
# Update installed packages and remove unused packages
yay --noconfirm -Syu && yay --noconfirm -Sc && yay --noconfirm -Yc

# Install packages
yay -S wezterm fish starship emacs-nativecomp
yay -S aspell aspell-en
yay -S ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd noto-fonts-emoji
yay -S fzf fd ripgrep eza bat git-delta vivid plocate btop go-yq
yay -S lf zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf zathura-djvu gthumb inkscape
yay -S nodejs pnpm bun-bin typescript typescript-language-server
yay -S go gopls
yay -S go-ethereum solidity-bin
yay -S dropbox

# Install fish
chsh -s $(which fish)

# Install dotfiles
git clone git@github.com:volodymyrprokopyuk/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles && ./config --init all -i


# Set font scaling DPI (multiple of 96) in ~/.Xresources
Xcursor.theme: Qogir
Xcursor.size: 48
Xft.dpi: 192

# Install packages
yay -S xorg-xev i3status-rust i3lock-color maim

# Query MIME of a file
xdg-mime query filetype file.pdf
# List installed applications
fd -t f -e desktop . /
# Query default application for a file
xdg-mime query default application/pdf
# Set default applications for a file
xdg-mime default org.pwmt.zathura.desktop application/pdf
xdg-mime default org.pwmt.zathura.desktop image/vnd.djvu
xdg-mime default org.gnome.gThumb.desktop image/png
xdg-mime default org.gnome.gThumb.desktop image/jpeg
xdg-mime default org.gnome.gThumb.desktop image/svg+xml



# Update a repository database
yay -Sy
# Upgrade a system
yay -Syu
# Show packages to upgrade
yay -Qu

# Clean a package cache
yay -Sc
# Clean unneeded dependencies
yay -Yc

# Search a remote repository database for a package
yay -Ss|i <package>
# Query a local repository database for an installed package
yay -Qs|i <package>
# Show explicitly installed packages
yay -Qe

# Install a package
yay -S <package>
# Remove a package, its configuration, and dependencies
yay -Rsn <package>

# List all files owned by a package
yay -Ql <package>
# Show which package a file belongs to
yay -Qo <file path>
# Show dependency tree of a package
pactree <package>
# Show packages that depend on a package
pactree -r <package>


nmcli device # list devices => connections
nmcli connection # list connections => devices
nmcli connection up|down <connection> # adtivate/deactivate connection
nmcli radio wifi on|off # switch on/off WiFi
nmcli device wifi # list avaialble WiFi networks
nmcli --ask device wifi connect <network> # connect to network


sudo fdisk -l # list devices
ll /dev/disk/by-uuid/* # list device UUIDs
sudo mkdir /run/media/HD1 # create a mount point
sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda3 /run/media/HD1 # mount a device
df -h # verify mount success; show storage space usage
sudo umount /run/media/HD1 # unmount a device
# /etc/fstab
UUID=aa295f1c-3f40-4a02-b91c-a57c657ec247 /run/media/HD1 ext4 defaults 0 0
UUID=cbb67744-1bb8-42b8-ba94-bb97071404b2 /run/media/SD1 ext4 defaults,nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=1 0 0
sudo mount /run/media/HD1 # mount a device from fstab
sudo mount -a # mount all devices from fstab
du -hd 1 # show directory size to depth


df -h
sudo umount /dev/sdc1
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1

Users and groups

# Show users
cat /etc/passwd
# Show groups
cat /etc/group
# Show groups that user belongs to
groups $USER

systemd management

# Show services
systemctl [list-units] --type=service --state=active
# Manage service
sudo systemctl enable|start|status|stop|restart|disable $SERVICE.service

SSH configuration

Install and use locally generated SSH key on a remote server

# Generate SSH key pair locally
# Provide SSH key file location ($HOME/.ssh/id_rsa_<provider>) and passphrase
# File parmissions
chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_*
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "volodymyrprokopyuk@gmail.com"
ssy-keygen -t ed25519 -C "volodymyrprokopyuk@gmail.com"
# Copy SSH key to a remote host. Provide remote host username and password
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_<provider>.pub <username>@<host>
# Connect to the remote host using SSH key but not password. Provide passphrase
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_<provider> <username>@<host>
# Configure SSH key alias in ~/.ssh/config
Host <alias>
    HostName <host>
    User <user>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa<provider>
# Connect to the remote host using SSH key alias. Provide passphrase
ssh <alias>
# Test SSH connection using SSH key
ssh -T <alias>

Add private SSH key identities to the SSH authentication agent

# Start SSH authentication agent
eval $(ssh-agent)
# Add private SSH key identities to the SSH authentication agent. Provide passphrase
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa*~*.pub
# Show added to the SSH authentication agent private SSH key identities
ssh-add -l




  • C-f|b forward/backward char
  • A-f|b forward/backward word
  • C-a|e beginning/end of line


  • C-k|u delete forward/backward line
  • C-w delete backward word
  • C-z undo the last edit


  • C-p|n previous/next history command
  • C-r search command history
  • C-g cancel operation


  • C-c terminate program
  • C-d end input stream
  • C-l clear screen


  • Tab/S-Tab forward/backward completion
  • M-m/, forward/backward completion

Doom Emacs TODO


  • C-e|y forward/backward line
  • C-f|b forward/backward full screen
  • C-d|u forward/backward half screen


/- h|l left / right character /- [g]j|k down / up [visual] line

  • w|b beginning of the next / previous word + W|B on whitespace only
  • e|ge end of the next / previous word + E|gE on whitespace only
  • ^|$ beginning / end of the current line content
  • 0 0 position of the current line
  • % jump between parentheses
  • zz current line in the middle of the screen
  • H|M|L move cursor to high / middle / low of the screen

Text objects

  • i|aw|s|p|t inside / around word / sentence / paragraph / tag + ([{<"''">}]) ``


  • ys|S<obj> add surrounding in normal / visual mode
  • c|ds<sur> change / delete surrounding in normal mode

Visual mode

  • v|V|C-v char / line / block visual selection
  • C-v $ ragged right visual selection
  • o go to the other end of selection
  • gv re-select the last visual selection


  • f|F current line 1-char snipe forward / backwrd
  • t|T current line 1-char exclusive snipe forward / backwrd
  • s|S current line 2-char snipe forward / backwrd
  • ;|, repeat last snipe forward / backwrd
  • g s s visible screen 2-char snipe
  • g s / visible screen timer snipe
  • g;|, jump to last modification backwrd / forward (change list)
  • C-o|i jump to last location backwrd / forward (jump list)
  • m|'|`{a-z} set mark / jump to mark line / column


  • *|# search word under cursor forward / backwrd
  • /|? incremental search forward / backwrd
  • n|N repeat last search forward / backwrd
  • :s/pattern/replace/gc substitute pattern with replace (global, confirm)
  • & repeat last substitution on the current line
  • SPC s s search buffer
  • SPC s S search buffer (word under cursor)
  • SPC / search project
  • SPC SPC find file in project (git)
  • SPC . find file in directory (no git)
  • SPC s f locate file in system
  • q:|/|? j|k query recent command line / forward / backwrd search


  • :e edit existing or new file
  • :w[a] write file
  • C-x C-c exit Doom Emacs

Repeat, undo/redo

  • . repeat the last change
  • u undo the last change
  • C-r redo the last undone change

Yank/paste, registers

  • y<move>|Y yank till move / till the end of current line
  • yy yank current line
  • p|P paste after / before cursor


  • i|I insert at cursor / at the beginning of current line
  • a|A append at cursor / at the end of current line
  • o|O open new line below cursor / above cursor


  • c<move>|C change till move / till the end of current line
  • cc change current line
  • gu|U<move> downcase / upcase till move
  • guu|UU downcase / upcase current line
  • J join lines


  • x delete character under cursor
  • d<move>|D delete till move / till the end of current line
  • dd delete current line

Indentation and formatting

  • >|<<move> indent / dedent move
  • >>|<< indent / dedent current line
  • =<move> format move


  • gc<move> comment / uncomment move
  • gcc comment / uncomment current line


  • SPC , switch buffer
  • SPC ` switch to alternate buffer
  • C-x k kill buffer


  • C-w s|v split window horizontal / vertical
  • C-w = equalize windows
  • C-w w|h|j|k|l cycle / move between windows
  • C-w c close active window
  • C-w r rotate windows
  • C-x 0|1 close other / active window
Evil mode
Tab complete the common part of suggestion list
Enter complete with the selected suggestion
C-SPC trigger completion window
M-q format width of the selected text
Ctrl-y paste into the mini buffer
Motions within a buffer
  Word/backwrd/end: w/W, b/B, e/E, ge/gE
  Beginning/end of line: 0, ^, $,
  Search single char in current line: f/F, t/T -> ;/,
  Search regexp in a buffer: /?, */# -> n/N
Text objects: i/a w/s/p/t '/"/` )/}/]/>
  Change inside: ci_
  Delete around: da_
Operator + motion/text object: y, c, d, >, <, =, gc + w, it
Operator + operator: acts on the current line: cc, dd, >>, <<, ==, gcc, guu, gUU, g~~
Marks: m[mM]
  m mark in a buffer
  M global mark
  `m (go to marked position)
Change list in a buffer: g;/g,
Jump list between buffers in a window: Ctrl-o/Ctrl-i
Registers: "ryy, "rp
  r overwrite
  R append
Shift-r (replace mode: . A Shift-r , a)
q: (query and edit ex command history)
q/ (query and edit search history)
Insert mode/command line mode
  Alt-b, Alt-f (backwrd, forward word)
  Ctrl-w (delete word backwrd)
  Ctrl-r "/0 (paste unnamed/yank register)
Visual mode (should only be used when normal mode standard motions are not enough)
  o (other end of selection)
  Ctrl-v $ (ragged selection)
F1 k <key> show key binding
Evil surround
Normal mode: ys, cs, ds
Visual mode: S
Evil commenter
gcc comment a line
gc<movement> comment a movement
gc<a/i>(/[/{ comment outside/inside parentheses/brackets/braces



  • o|O open recent files/in current directory
  • R reload document
  • C-c|g cancel operation
  • C-n toggle status bar
  • F11|F5 toggle full screen/presentation mode
  • q quit


  • h|j|k|l scroll left/down/up/right
  • C-f|b, Space|S-Space scroll forward/backward page
  • C-d/u scroll forward/backward half page
  • J|K|H|L scroll next/previous/top/bottom page


  • gg|G|<n>G go to first/last/n page
  • m<a>|'<a> mark page/go to marked page
  • C-i|o go to next/previous jump list item


  • a|s|d fit page height/width/dual view
  • +|-|=|<n>= zoom in/out/original size/% size
  • r rotate document


  • /|? search forward/backward
  • n|N go to next/previous match


  • Tab toggle index view

  • j+k|l+h move down/up, expand/collapse entry

  • L+H expand/collapse all entries

  • convert in.jpg -rotate 90 -resize 1600 -crop 1450x2100+50+33 -threshold 60% -quality 70% cert.pdf



# Install PostgreSQL server, client and tools
yay -S postgresql
# Create PostgreSQL data directory
sudo mkdir /var/lib/postgres/data
sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgres/data
sudo chmod 755 -R /var/lib/postgres/*
# Initialize PostgreSQL database cluster
sudo su postgres
initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 --encoding UTF-8 -D /var/lib/postgres/data
# Enable/disable/start/stop/restart/status PostgreSQL database service
sudo systemctl enable|disable|start|stop|restart|status postgresql.service
# Show PostgreSQL log
journalctl -u postgresql.service
# Create database user
psql postgres postgres
# Create database
psql postgres vlad
# Connect to database
psql playground vlad
# Dump database schema
pg_dump -U vlad --schema-only playground > playground_dump_schema.sql
# Restore database schema
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -f playground_dump_schema.sql \
    -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -v ECHO=queries playground vlad

psql commands

  • General \c, \conninfo, \du, \dx \l, \dn, \g, \r, \q
  • Relations \d, \dtvmi
  • Functions \df, \dfnptaw, \sf
  • Editing \e, \ef