Castle Windsor ASP.NET Core / Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection Adapter
- 2
Runtime error when using the new .NET 8 Keyed Services in ASP.NET Boilerplate
#48 opened by DamienLaw - 2
- 0
Upgrade dependencies to the latest
#39 opened by hikalkan - 4
- 3
problems with IConfigureOptions in aspnet core 2
#19 opened by maxlego - 1
Update to 5.0.0 version
#43 opened by totpero - 0
- 3
- 4
- 7
Usage with .net core 3.0
#35 opened by robertmircea - 1
Signed version
#36 opened by kocka5 - 10
- 2
NuGet package updates needed
#30 opened by xunqinbo - 4
- 5
- 4
Wrong constructor called
#22 opened by mbp - 9
- 0
Problem with inline dependencies
#20 opened by DavidJFowler - 1
- 9
Scoped Dependencies
#3 opened by BrandtWright - 0
- 1
Change .NET Standard dependency from Fortress.Windsor to Castle.Windsor 4.0.0
#15 opened by jonorossi - 0
- 1
- 2
- 0
Change design of the resolving progress.
#11 opened by hikalkan - 1
- 0
Can not resolve registered IEnumerable<T>
#8 opened by hikalkan - 0
Can not resolve registered IEnumerable<T>
#7 opened by hikalkan - 1
Support .NET 4.5
#5 opened by vojtechvit - 2
Potential Memory Leak when using IInterceptor
#6 opened by nhart12 - 3
Bump Castle.Windor to 3.4.0
#4 opened by gabrielrobert - 2
- 0
Implement new IServiceProviderFactory
#2 opened by hikalkan