
An LLM-powered text generator for creating board game concepts

Primary LanguagePython


LLM-based text generation tool for creating board game concepts (description & title)

Auto-BG (Board Game) is a text generation tool for creating board game concepts. It utilizes multiple large-language models to generate board game titles and descriptions tailored from user-input tags based on BoardGameGeek.com. The models used in this project include a trained T5 sequence-to-sequence model for title generation and a fine-tuned Curie-base GPT3 model for description generation.

The T5 model was initially presented by Raffel et al. in "Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer". The GPT3 model builds from Brown et al.'s work in "Language Models are Few-Shot Learners".


The main features of this application include:

  • Intuitive text generation through an easy to use tag selector.
  • Suggested title generation with multiple options for every prompt.
  • Demos based on the tags for three popular games to orient users in Auto-BG.

The user-friendly interface for Auto-BG can be found at https://huggingface.co/spaces/AutoBG/Auto-BoardGame.

Auto-BG has confirmed compatability with Chrome, Firefox, & Edge along with their mobile equivalents. Other interfaces should work but aren't tested.

Project Structure

Required Files


Home.py - The Streamlit app framework and runs all generation functions through a central script.

description_generator.py - The input manager and text generation model control classes.

title_generator.py - The title generation model control and title generation/cleanup classes.


All required configuration and model files to run our trained title generator.


slim_df.parquet.gzip - Game data including name, description, tokenized descriptions, and language tag.

vector_df.parquet.gzip - Game data including only the one-hot tag vectors.

current_keys.gz - List object containing an up-to-date ground truth key set for tags.

token_search.gz - SpaCy preprocessed tokens for all existing keys, required for matching unknown keys efficiently.\

Optional Files

Alternate Class Files for Appendix

Community Aggregation - Input Manager.py - An alternative input class for description_generator.py that includes community nearest neighbor calculations.


Game_Cleaner.py - A script for processing scraper output files into the format used inside of Auto-BG.\

Running Auto-BG

with Streamlit Secrets

Must be loaded into a properly configured Streamlit space or a local repo with a secrets.toml file. Secrets must include a "key" variable with a valid OpenAI API key and a "model" variable with a valid OpenAI model reference value.

with Model Constants

An alternative is to add your API key and model reference to the SEND_KEY and SEND_MODEL functions within the Model_Constants.py template. All functions calling st.secrets in Home.py will need to be replaced with the relevant function.

In any terminal, navigate to the repo and use the command streamlit run Home.py

That's it!

Home.py will open Streamlit in your browser, load all data files, and configure the model control classes. When tags are selected and "Run Model" is chosen, Home.py will call description_generator and title_generator in sequence then return the output dictionary with titles and descriptions in the UI.

Customizing Auto-BG

NOTE: Auto-BG uses a fine-tuned GPT-3 Curie model that will be inaccessible without an organizational API key, the below instructions are for advanced users interested in remixing Auto-BG with a new generator model.

In order to run this application, you will need the following:

  1. An OpenAI account and API key
  2. All libraries specified in both the primary and data processing requirements.txt files
  3. A raw stream JSON file of BoardGameGeek data, formatted to match output from the Recommend.Games scraper

To implement a new instance of Auto-BG, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository onto your local machine

  2. Install the required packages listed in both 'requirements.txt' files using pip

  3. Download the trained T5 model or provide a path to an alternate T5 model.

  4. Placing the JSON data file in Stream_to_Output, run GameCleaner.py - this provides all required data files.

  5. Prepare training prompts - convert all active keys to period stopped tokens in a string for each game.

  6. Fine-tune a selected model following the instructions at: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/fine-tuning NOTE: Auto-BG uses a Curie model with a lowered learning rate running for fewer epochs.

  1. Create a Model_Constants.py file with your personal API key and model instance based on the template above.


  1. Add your API Key and model reference to secrets on your preferred hosting platform, use the Streamlit secrets framework to access values.

  1. You now have a customized instance of Auto-BG!

Licensing & Data Access Statement

Auto-BG code & configured data views are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Permission for use of Auto-BG output text is granted, non-exclusively, to any person without further restriction. Attribution is not required but we would appreciate a shout out if you like what we're doing.

Data sourced from BGG XML API via "Recommend.Games scraper @GitLab". Static datasets also available by request at same URL.

All source game data is the property of BoardGameGeek, LLC and licensed for non-commerical use only. Auto-BG is not endorsed by or affiliated with any licensors, CATAN GmbH, Z-Man Games, or Days of Wonder Inc., the respective copyright holders for demonstration game profiles.

About Us

N. Canu trained, evaluated, & implemented text and title generator models for Auto-BG. Their current board game obsession is Obsession by Kayenta Games.

S. Capp assisted with research, parts of initial text generator, aspects of streamlit application, and some visualizations. Immense fan of Catan, Coup, and any deduction games.

T. Druhot designed personas, user journeys, and wireframes for the user interface. Turned title model notebook into module and built UI front end and integrated model modules into end user functionality. Avid Magic the Gathering Limited player and deck/engine building board games.