
OVH Logs Data Platform - Tail CLI tooling

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

Build Status Go Report Card

Logs Data Platform - Tail


To install cli, simply run:

$ go get github.com/ovh/ldp-tail


ldp-tail --address <URI>


ldp-tail --address wss://gra1.logs.ovh.com/tail/?tk=demo --pattern "{{ .short_message }}"


  • Server
    • address URI of the websocket
  • Filtering
    • match Display only messages matching the condition. Example: _method=verifyPassword. You may specify an operator like: _method.begin=verify or negate its meaning like: _method.not.begin=verify. Available operators are:
      • present The field is present
      • begin The field begins with the value
      • contain The field contains the value
      • lt The field is less than the value
      • le The field is less than or equal to the value
      • eq The field is equal to the value
      • ge The field is greater than or equal to the value
      • gt The field is greater than the value
  • Formatting
    • raw Display raw message instead of parsing it
    • pattern Template to apply on each message to display it. Default: {{._appID}}> {{.short_message}}. Custom available functions are:
      • color Set text color. Available colors are: green white yellow red blue magenta cyan
      • bColor Set background color. Available colors are: green white yellow red blue magenta cyan
      • noColor Disable text and background color
      • date Transform a timestamp in a human readable date. Default format is 2006-01-02 15:04:05 but can be customized with the second optional argument
      • join Concatenates strings passed in argument with the first argument used as separator
      • concat Concatenates strings passed in argument
      • duration Transform a value in a human readable duration. First argument must be a parsable number. The second argument is the multiplier coefficient to be applied based on nanoseconds. Ex: 1000000 if the value is in milliseconds.
      • int Converts a string in int64
      • float Converts a string in float64
      • get Return the value under the key passed in the second argument of the map passed first argument. Useful for accessing keys containing a period. Ex: {{ get . "foo.bar" }}
      • column Formats input into multiple columns. Columns are delimited with the characters supplied in the first argument. Ex: "{{ column " | " (date .timestamp) (concat ._method " " ._path ) ._httpStatus_int }}
      • begin Return true if the first argument begins with the second
      • contain Return true if the second argument is within the first
  • Config
    • config Config file loaded before parsing parameters, so parameters will override the values in the config file (except for match where parameters will add more criteria instead of replacing them). The config file use the TOML file format. The structure of the configuration file is:
Address string
Match   []{
    Key      string
    Operator string
    Value    interface{}
    Not      bool
Pattern string
Raw     bool


Address = "wss://gra1.logs.ovh.com/tail/?tk=demo"
Pattern = "{{date .timestamp}}: {{if ne ._title \"\"}}[ {{._title}} ] {{end}}{{ .short_message }}"


You've developed a new cool feature? Fixed an annoying bug? We'd be happy to hear from you! Make sure to read CONTRIBUTING.md before.


This work is under the BSD license, see the LICENSE file for details.