
Three.js widgets for R and shiny

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Three.js and R

Three.js widgets for R and shiny. The package includes

  • graphjs: an interactive force directed graph widget
  • scatterplot3js: a 3-d scatterplot widget similar to the scatterplot3d function
  • globejs: a widget that plots data and images on a 3-d globe
  • cityjs : a widget that generate a 3-d city with your SEO data

The widgets are easy to use and render directly in RStudio, in R markdown, in Shiny applications, and from command-line R via a web browser. They produce high-quality interactive visualizations with just a few lines of R code.

Visualizations optionally use accelerated WebGL graphics, falling back to non-accelerated graphics for systems without WebGL when possible. When WebGL is available, the scatterplot3js function can produce fluid, interactive pointclouds with hundreds of thousands of points.

See http://threejs.org for details on three.js.

This project is based on the htmlwidgets package. See https://github.com/ramnathv/htmlwidgets for details and links to amazingly cool visualization widgets for R.


Use the devtools package to install threejs directly from GitHub on any R platform (Mac, Windows, Linux, ...). You'll need the 'devtools' package.

Test 3D City

if(!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")


runApp(system.file("examples/city", package="threejs"))


Example : /data/internal_html_simple.xlsx

First line : Internal - HTML Second line : Address;Status Code;Level;Inlinks;GA Sessions