
WebSocket client, support headers, cookie setting, and scenarios.

Primary LanguageGo


This is simple WebSocket client.
It can connect to a server by WebSocket protocol, send and get messages and perform scenarios.
Also, here is header customization.


GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/voltento/ws_tool/cmd/ws_tool

The command will install the binary ws_tool to the $GOPATH/bin folder

You must have installed golang and set the $GOPATH f.e. export GOPATH=$HOME/go Set $GOPATH if it wasn't set before. F.e. export GOPATH=$HOME/go

Check for more information about golang install and configuration


go clean -i github.com/voltento/ws_tool


  • Golang 1.11.2 or above
  • Set $GOPATH before call installation script


Usage example: ./ws_tool ws://localhost:3000/echo/websocket -H "host:ws"

Use flag --help for more information

Supported commands

You can specify file with scenario Usage example: ./ws_tool ws://localhost:3000/echo/websocket commands.txt -H "host:ws" After processing all commands from a scenario file ws_tool will still listening if exit command wasn't call explicitly.

Supporting commands:

  • < - will read any message from ws connection and print it on screen
  • > msg - will send msg to ws connection and print it on screen
  • exit - will terminate ws_tool

Commands file example:

> {"message": "foo"}


cd $GOPATH/github.com/voltento/ws_tool
go test ./...