Cloud Functions Starter Kit

This repo is helpful to start with if you want to use Google Cloud Functions. Specifically, the Functions Framework.

Why this repo?

  1. A single file structure housing multiple functions
  2. A way to deploy all your functions with a single command npm run deploy
  3. A way to run all your functions locally on a single port for easier development


Install the Google Cloud SDK if you don't already have it. Create a new project in console and enable Cloud Functions API for that project. Set your terminal to use that project.

npm install
npm start

Each file in /functions is an endpoint. Feel free to create more, or less by:

  1. Duplicating one of those example files in /functions
  2. Referencing that new file in your index.js


To deploy all functions, run:

npm run deploy

Your functions will be accessible on Google Cloud Functions, at a URL such as:

Where us-central1 is the Google Cloud Region you picked and volt-oms-integration is what you named your Google Cloud Project and helloWorld is what you named your file in this project.