
Lightweight responsive CSS utility library to accompany @volverjs/ui-vue and static webpages as well.

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT



backgrounds border colors aspect ratios typography
easings animations sizes borders z-indexes media-queries
layout spacing flexbox grid custom properties scss

Quality Gate Status Maintainability Rating Security Rating Depfu Depfu

maintained with ❤️ by

8 Wave


# pnpm
pnpm add @volverjs/style

# yarn
yarn add @volverjs/style

# npm 
npm i -s @volverjs/style


/* css */
@import '@volverjs/style';

/* scss */
@use '@volverjs/style/scss';

or cherry pick what you want

/* css */
@import '@volverjs/style/reset';
@import '@volverjs/style/props/layout';
@import '@volverjs/style/utilities/layout';
@import '@volverjs/style/components/vv-button';

/* scss */
@use '@volverjs/style/scss/reset';
@use '@volverjs/style/scss/props/layout';
@use '@volverjs/style/scss/utilities/layout';
@use '@volverjs/style/scss/components/vv-button';


👌 Zero Specificity

Everything is defined with :where() so you can override all definitions easily.

🎨 Custom properties

All attributes have a custom properties (CSS variables) for easy theming.

😱 Utility-first + BEM

You can style utility-first (with tailwindcss syntax) and use components (vv-* for ex. vv-button) written with BEM.

Basic personalization

Custom props

@import '@volverjs/style';
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Open+Sans');

:root {
  /* custom color brand */
  --color-brand-hue: 149deg;
  --color-brand-saturation: 56%;
  --color-brand-lightness: 53%;

  /* custom font sans */
  --font-sans: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;


@use '@volverjs/style/scss/context' with (
  // custom color brand 
  $color-brand: #45cb85,
  //custom font sans
  $font-family-sans: 'Open Sans', sans-serif
@use '@volverjs/style/scss';

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Open+Sans');

Deep override

All components are written through SCSS maps. Root attributes style the component, submaps state, element, and modifier generates BEM selectors.

@use 'sass:map';
// import volverjs default settings, functions and mixins
@use '@volverjs/style/scss/context';

// override vv-button map
context.$vv-button: map.deep-merge(
    // change default button background
    background: #ddd,
    state: (
      hover: (
        // change default button background on hover
        background: #aaa
    modifier: (
      // add a custom modifier
      my-error: (
        background: red

// import volverjs style
@use '@volverjs/style/scss';
<button type="button" class="vv-button vv-button--my-error">Error</button>


To learn more about @volverjs/style, check its documentation.
