Godot iOS Plugin template

This repo contains a starter Xcode and SCons configuration to build Godot plugin for iOS. Xcode project and Scons configuration allows to build static .a library, that could be used with .gdip file as Godot's plugin to include platform functionality into exported application. iOS plugin can be used in Godot after specific changes made into engine source (#41230 PR for Godot's master branch).

Initial setup

Getting Godot engine headers

To build iOS plugin library it's required to have Godot's header files including generated ones. So running scons platform=iphone target=<release|debug> in godot submodule folder is required.

Working with Xcode

Building project should be enough to build a .a library that could be used with .gdip file.

Working with SCons

Running scons platform=ios arch=<arch> target=<release|debug> target_name=<library_name> would result in plugin library for specific platform. Compiling for multiple archs and using lipo -create .. -output .. might be required for release builds.