
## My first big language C project ## Regardless of the programming language considered, the printf function,(or its equivalents) is always highly useful. The main reason is the ease of its formatting, and the support of diverse types in variable numbers.

Primary LanguageC


This is my own printf (language C), my first big language C project.

Function prototype

int   ft_printf(const char *format, ...);


ft_printf("%d\n", 42);
>> 42
ft_printf("%#10.*X\n", 25, 42);
>> 0X000000000000000000000002A
ft_printf("%010b\n", 42);
>> 0000101010


  • Width managed
  • Precision managed
  • Wildcard managed




Character Description
dDi int as a signed decimal number
c Character
C Unicode character
s Null-terminated string
S Unicode string
oO Unsigned int in octal
uU Print decimal unsigned int
xX Unsigned int as a hexadecimal number. x uses lower-case letters and X uses upper-case
p Pointer to void
bB Long long int as a binary number. b uses lower-case letters and B uses upper-case
% Print percentage
k Print a date in any ordinary ISO format

Flags field

Flag Description
# For o, x, X types, the text 0, 0x, 0X, respectively, is prepended to non-zero numbers
0 When the 'width' option is specified, prepends zeros for numeric types
- Left-align the output of this placeholder
+ Prepends a plus for positive signed-numeric types. positive = +, negative = -.
space Prepends a space for positive signed-numeric types. positive = , negative = -. This flag is ignored if the + flag exists.

Length field

Character Description
hh For integer types, causes printf to expect an int-sized integer argument which was promoted from a char
h For integer types, causes printf to expect an int-sized integer argument which was promoted from a short
l For integer types, causes printf to expect a long-sized integer argument
ll For integer types, causes printf to expect a long-sized integer argument
j For integer types, causes printf to expect a intmax_t-sized integer argument
z For integer types, causes printf to expect a size_t-sized integer argument