
Assignments and Labs for CS122 (CPT_S 122, CptS 122, CS 122) at WSU.

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Assignments and Labs for CS122 (Data Structures C/C++) at WSU, taught by Andy O'Fallon. This code is from the Spring 2011 course.

This repository contains all my code and miscellaneous files for CS122 that I could find. There is no guarentee on any of it working perfectly.

NOTE: all of these programs are command-line based (unless otherwise noted) and programmed in C and/or C++ on Windows-platforms (although they should compile under other operating systems).


  • Coding Notes: contains notes provided by Andy O'Fallon and the TA for the course.
  • Common Files: contains my menu system (updated from the version in CS121) and some common functions that I found I was using a lot.
  • Programming Assignments: contains programming assignments for the class.
    • PA1:
      • Task 1: Uses pointers to point to strings, first prints them in unsorted order and then prints them in sorted order.
      • Task 2: Checks if an inputted string is a palindrome or not.
      • Task 3: Encryptes or decryptes an inputted string. Uses a simple Caesar shift technique.
    • PA2: a music manager program using a linked list that allows one to add, edit, delete, rate, save, load, sort, and display songs (but not play them sadly, since this actually not working with actual song files).
    • PA3: An infix expression evaluator that uses stacks for evaluation.
    • PA4: A grocery store line simulator using queues.
    • PA5: A basic bank applicationthat allows printing of accounts as well as addin, editing, and deleting accounts.
    • PA6: A program that runs Simpletron files, a very basic programming language.
    • PA7A: A cipher program using Windows Forms (the first time we were allowed to use them).
  • Labs: contains labs for the class.
    • Lab 1
      • Task 1: Hello World!
      • Task 2: Reverses a (hard-coded) string.
    • Lab 2: Dynamic data structures (linked list). Ran out of time before finishing functionality for removing and editing contacts.
    • Lab 3: A program to solve the Tower of Hanoi puzzle.
    • Lab 4: A queue program for when we learned about queues.
    • Lab 5: Translates a message to morse code.
    • Lab 6: A bare-bones credit report program, the first time we were allowed to use C++ classes.
    • Lab 7: An unfinished stack program done in C++.
    • Lab 9: A pond simulator tracking various life in the pond. First time we were allowed to use inheritance with classes.
    • Lab 10: Implementations of various templated data structures.
    • Lab 11: An array containing various different mammel children classes.
    • Lab 12: File manipulation in C++.
    • Rational: Unfinished rational number program.