
A simple and easy-to-use localization helper library.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A simple and easy-to-use localization helper library.


A nuget package is available: Velentr.Localizations

Basic Usage

LocalizationSystem localizationSystem = new LocalizationSystem("en");

localizationSystem.AddLanguage("es", "en");
localizationSystem.AddLocalization("key", "hello world!", "en");
localizationSystem.AddLocalization("key", "hola mundo!", "es");

var localizedTextEs = localizationSystem.GetLocalization("key", "es");
var localizedTextEn = localizationSystem.GetLocalization("key", "en");
// "hello world!"
// "hola mundo!"

Machine Translations

Machine translations can be enabled when adding a language by setting the enableMachineTranslation parameter when adding a new language. When this parameter is set, we'll reach out to the configured Apertium client (which can be configured using the localizationSystem.ConfigureApertiumClient() method) to generate machine translations for any text that isn't already cached for that language. The language we'll count as translating from will be the defaultLocale for the language and the language we'll translate to will be the locale language.


var localizationSystem = new LocalizationSystem("eng");
localizationSystem.AddLanguage("spa", "eng", enableMachineTranslation: true);
localizationSystem.AddLocalization("key", "hello world!", "eng");

var localizedTextEng = localizationSystem.GetLocalization("key", "eng");
var localizedTextSpa = localizationSystem.GetLocalization("key", "spa");
// "hello world!"
// "hola mundo!"


  • Locales must be specified in the three-letter codes that Apertium uses. To see all valid pairs on the configured Apertium client you can use the localizationSystem.Apertium.GetValidPairs() method.
  • Please make sure to follow any/all licenses that are applicable for your projects as per the licenses of Apertium if utilizing this functionality!
  • Other methods of the Apertium client can be used as per the client's documentation, but referenced via localizationSystem.Apertium.
  • Support for other translation methods will come in a future update.


Velentr.Localizations comes with two built-in localization loaders, the YamlLocalizationLoader and the KeyValuePairXmlLocalizationLoader. Other loaders can be used instead by creating a new loader inheriting from the LocalizationLoader abstract class, then when initializing the LocalizationSystem just pass in the new loader.

Loading Localization Files

Although you can load localizations elsewhere and add in the individual strings by using the localizationSystem.AddLocalization() method, the preferred method of loading a localization file is to use either the LoadLocalization or AddLocalizations methods:

  • LoadLocalization: Takes in a filepath, file contents, or a file stream, then will read the contents and add all of the localizations from the file to the requested locale using the configured LocalizationLoader.
  • AddLocalizations: Takes in a dictionary of key/value pairs and adds all of the localizations to the requested locale. This approach is useful if you want to handle loading the localizations using a different system that isn't compatible with the built-in loader system (i.e. using a database).

Future Plans

See list of issues under the Milestones: https://github.com/vonderborch/Velentr.Localizations/milestones