
This *Assembly* code can be assembled by a tool such as NASM into machine code that can be executed directly by the CPU. It prints a message to the console and then exits.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Assembly Greeting

This Assembly code can be assembled by a tool such as NASM into machine code that can be executed directly by the CPU. It prints a message to the console and then exits.

Quick Start

Before you begin, ensure that you have installed the NASM package on your MacOS system. To check if NASM is installed, enter the following command in a terminal

nasm -v

To compile the Assembly file into hexadecimal representation, use the following command

nasm -f macho64 [filename].asm

To check the contents of the compiled file, use the following command

hexdump -C [filename].o

To link the compiled file and create an executable file, use the following command

ld -lSystem [filename].o

Finally, to run the executable, enter the following command
