
This is the GitHub repository containing source code, schematic and 3D models for ChipChamp:

ChipChamp is an open-source gaming platform built to increase the understanding of how hardware and software really works. It is designed to be beginner friendly, affordable, and playful.


ChipChamp appears as a USB drive when connected to a computer and games can be programmed directly in CircuitPython with a text editor. I have made a package of basic games as inspiration and starting point for you to create new ones.

In many ways ChipChamp is a retro dream console like the Pico-8, only in physical form ;)

There are similar projects available, here are some advantages with ChipChamp:

  • Easy to build and understand.
  • Very affordable, open source, no custom PCB and using components that are easy to order.
  • Beginner friendly to program (write CircuitPython code directly on the USB drive).
  • Polyphonic audio (instead of a beeper).
  • Built in internet connection and multiplayer support over Wi-Fi.
  • Quite powerful, it should be able to run Nintendo emulators and even DOOM (remains to be seen).


  • Processor: ESP32-S2 processor with USB-OTG, 4MB Flash and 2MB PSRAM.
  • Display: 160x128 pixel TFT with 65536 colors (ST7735 driver).
  • Control: D PAD and A, B keys for input, using quiet switches with low activation force.
  • Audio: 3.5mm audio socket connected to 4 channel PWM or 8-bit DAC. (not yet supported in CircuitPython)
  • Possibility to add Li-ion battery and charger to make it fully portable.

You can build your own ChipChamp with a 3D printer, soldering iron and a handful of components. Everything is open source and hacking is encouraged!

Check out the forum to get support and contribute:

For detailed building instructions visit: