Pinned issues
- 5
Invariant Violation: TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(...): 'RNSimpleToast' could not be found. Verify that a module by this name is registered in the native binary
#34 opened by zhenguet - 7
PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy is created at the root of the project causing conflicts
#79 opened by Muha-coinmotion - 1
- 1
- 4
Need a method to forcibly dismiss Toast
#3 opened by serjek - 1
Toast is displayed behind the keypad in iOS
#62 opened by Akshay577 - 0
queing behavior inconsistent across platforms
#71 opened by vonovak - 6
- 1
Any support to customize toast view and add icons
#60 opened by AhmedHF - 0
- 2
pod install fail on RN 0.70.x & New Arch
#59 opened by retyui - 3
React Native 0.72 support?
#57 opened by gavrichards - 3
'RNSimpleToastSpec.h' file not found
#56 opened by Dhaval1905 - 1
RNSplashScreen.h not found
#54 opened by pawanv048 - 4
'RNSimpleToastSpec.h' file not found
#29 opened by fire-blaster - 1
Not able to set toast background color on iOS
#49 opened by vishaalmo - 2
Icon on toast in Android
#42 opened by emersoncavalcanti1972 - 4
'RNSimpleToastSpec.h' file not found
#43 opened by rohankm - 1
'RNSimpleToastSpec.h' file not found
#40 opened by Akilramki - 2
Unable to build on iOS
#39 opened by hafizMDM - 1
[android] Multiline Support
#38 opened by nijarv - 5
- 3
'RNSimpleToastSpec.h' file not found
#32 opened by shaheerahmed1997 - 4
'RNSimpleToastSpec.h' file not found
#30 opened by SuryaVenkat - 4
'RNSimpleToastSpec.h' file not found
#27 opened by KrisLau - 7
Request : Background color for toast
#4 opened by wandip - 3
- 3
- 3
Does it support showWithGravityAndOffset()?
#12 opened by Yandamuri - 2
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Android not showing toasts at all
#21 opened by KrisLau - 4
Build error after pod install
#15 opened by raykle - 3
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'RCTToast.SHORT') - non expo projects
#16 opened by sabarishnarain - 1
The toast appears below the react-native Modal
#8 opened by manacu - 1
Accessibility support
#19 opened by kashmiry - 2
- 1
Web Support?
#18 opened by a7medev - 2
Error when building project
#10 opened by zaid0077 - 2
CSToastPositionBottom of type NSString cannot be converted to NSNumber on IOS
#13 opened by SupriyaGo - 1
- 2
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- 4
In ios the toast is showing but for very short period of time but in android it is working fine.
#5 opened by vipul2511