
Expo config plugin for WatermelonDB that includes support for JSI

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Expo config plugin for WatermelonDB that includes support for JSI


Add @nozbe/watermelondb and its dependencies:

npx expo install @nozbe/watermelondb @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators

Modify your babel.config.js file to include the decorator plugin:

module.exports = function (api) {
  return {
    presets: ["babel-preset-expo"],
    plugins: [["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { legacy: true }]],

Add expo dependencies

npx expo install @expo/config-plugins expo-build-properties

Add the watermelondb-expo-plugin

npx expo install @skam22/watermelondb-expo-plugin

Modify your app.json plugin block to add the following:

  "expo": {
    "plugins": [
          "android": {
            "kotlinVersion": "1.8.10",
            "compileSdkVersion": 33,
            "targetSdkVersion": 33,
            "packagingOptions": {
              "pickFirst": ["**/libc++_shared.so"]
          "ios": {
            "extraPods": [
                "name": "simdjson",
                "configurations": ["Debug", "Release"],
                "path": "path_to/node_modules/@nozbe/simdjson",
                "modular_headers": true

Build a client for each platform

npx expo run:ios
npx expo run:android


Contributions are very welcome! Current limitations of this plugin:

The modifications to the native files are all accomplished by reading the existing contents of the document, searching for an existing line to anchor around, inserting the modification, and then saving the file.

If the structure/contents/spelling of these default files change in future versions of react native or expo in any way, these plugin modifications will fail.

For example, android/settings.gradle references the line:

include ':app'

android/app/build.gradle references the line:

def isGifEnabled = (findProperty('expo.gif.enabled') ?: "") == "true";

android/app/proguard-rules.pro references the line

# Add any project specific keep options here: